In his arms.

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Wednesday / Skys POV

I pull into my parking space and turn off the car. I sit and stare at the four-ringed logo on the steering wheel. Another nice and cloudy day. I hear a little ping on the window to my left. I look over and see my blonde haired, blue eyed boyfriend waving at me. I smile and hop out of the car.

"Hey sweetie." He smiles, giving me a big hug. I hug him back and reach back into my car to grab my backpack. Levi and Jules walk up to us with Ike in tow.

"Heyo." Jules speaks, holding his cigarette in between his fingers. Him and Julian share friendly banter. Levi joins in and starts pestering them.

"Hi Sky," Ike smiles. "This your car?" He gestures to the black Audi next to us. I nod politely.

"Yep, this one's mine." I reply, wiping off a couple particles of dirt off the hood.

"Audi, huh? Pretty expensive," he steps back for a better look. "What model?" I chuckle humbly, sighing.

"Yeah, me and Julian are both Audi fanatics. It's a '21 A4." I reply, holding onto Julian's hand. Ike laughs, thinking for a moment.

"How'd you get it? Stripping or with daddy's money?" He laughs, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Uh, it was a gift." I reply uncomfortably, moving closer to Julian's side. The bell rings and we all look back at the school. We all say our goodbyes and head into class.

A couple hours later and I'm in Math. I come in and sit down next to Levi, plopping my backpack to the side of me. The teacher starts yapping about more shit I don't understand. Eventually, we're set free to do our own work.

"Do you get this shit?" I whisper over to Levi, staring blankly at my paper. She shakes her head.
"Not at fucking all, dude."
I sigh and stare at my paper for the rest of the class. The final bell rings and I move to get up when the teacher calls me over.

"Sky, you're failing this class along with 3 others. Your father spoke with me and would like that you'd stay for a few hours after school to get help and catch up."

I roll my eyes and sigh and frustration. "Okay, I wouldn't." I reply, shifting my weight onto my right leg. He lifts an eyebrow.

"I really think you should, Sky. Your father is a smart man, which makes you a smart girl. I think you need this."

I grab out a sucker and pop it in my mouth. I look down and fold the wrapper in halves. "Yeah, I don't remember asking. Thanks though." I smile antagonizingly, walking out the door. Fuck off. Now he's going even further to try to keep me from seeing Julian? Fucking-

My thoughts are cut off by walking straight into Jules, the smell of cigarettes hitting me in the face. He grabs my shoulders and steadies me.

"Careful there, midget." He smirks, patting me on the shoulder. I look up at him blankly.

"Oh, Levi!" He perks up, jogging off. I look behind me and watch them talk. Lord, she really is short.

I walk out to my car and grab a bottle of Jägermeister out of the trunk. I sit down in the driver's seat and start drinking. I take a long sip of the burning liquor and slump back in my seat. Fuck, I feel like shit. He's always trying to ruin fucking everything.

I pick up my phone and open my texts.


2:41 PM

2:50 PM

Julian :(
3:02 PM

I sigh out of frustration. He must be at practice. But he always checks his phone in between drills? Fuck. I hit my steering wheel softly, unaware of the small tears that've made their way down my face. I take another sip. And another. And another.

Eventually, I see Ike knocking on my passenger door window. I unlock the doors and he climbs in. He looks at my face and his expression falls.

"What's wrong?" He asks, leaning in closer to me.

"My dad, and Julian isn't answering me, and-and-" I choke out drunkenly, ranting everything out to Ike. My problems, my jealousy, my issues. Before I know it, Ike's stroking my hair. He starts leaning in. My blurred and dizzy vision darts in and out. What is he doing?

He plants a long kiss on my lips. What is he doing? I don't want this, do I? I guess it feels nice. No, I have Julian, but I can't do anything. I can't stop. Fucking stop!

I hear a loud knock on the hood of my car. It's Julian. His soft eyes are filled with rage now.

"Sky, what the fuck do you think you're fucking doing?!"

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