Chapter 9

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Together you created 'Felix Felicies' which took only a night and a half to make.

The blue mixture smoked and bubbled in the pot. Slowly you put it into the glass vial and put it on the table.

"Our Felix Felicies has been made," you said.  "shall I deliver it to put humble co-worker?"

Severus nodded. "Let us do it together," he said.

You had watched Severus making the potion and marvelled at his skill and how quick he created the mixture. He seemed to be like the flash, quickly chopping and boiling the ingredients by heart.

Together you walked to his room which was on the same floor as the defence against the dark arts classroom and nocked.

Lockheart opened the door and flashed his smile. "come in, come in" he said, making space in the couch as a large pile of his books sat there.

"No, no we wouldn't sit down, we are here for a short moment" Severus said and handed the mixture over.

"That was fast brewing" Lockheart said.

"Yes, Felix Felicies is known for its quick brewing time" Severus said.

"So it is" Lockhart said and took it. "I will use it when I see fit"

"That's good" Severus said and you both walked out.

"This is going to be hilarious" you said.

"Well you did say you wanted to ward him off. I think this will do it" Severus said. "I made this potion for James Potter after he wouldn't stop calling me Sniverlus" he stopped talking and coughed awkwardly.

"Was that Harry's father"

Severus nodded.

"Gosh I'm sorry Severus" you said.

"It's in the past" he said

"I was bullied at school also" you said sadly. "They used to call me sappy and dirt face or call my mom a blood traitor as my dad is a no-mag"

Severus frowned "My father was a muggle also" he said. "I haven't thought about him for some time"

"Yeah nor have I" you said. "he left after he found she was a witch"

Severus nodded and sighed.

"I'm glad that time of my life is over" you said.

He smiled slightly and nodded. "And sometimes those memories still haunt us"

"Yes" you said.

"Severus, why don't we go to the three broomsticks for some butterbeer. Or something stronger"

Severus checked his watch and thought for a second. "fine" he said.

You were ready for him to say no but you where surprised he said yes.

"Oh brilliant," you said.

You walked towards the entrance with Severus and out into the walkway towards Hogsmead.

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