Chapter 15

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Severus visited you at the early hours of the morning. He first kissed your lips then refreshed the flowers in the small flower pot. He brought roses today and placed it on the side, taking the pot he tipped the water out of the window and refreshed it. Placing the roses in the pot Severus sat down and took your hand and gently stroked it. He took out a book and gently read to you. He hoped that you could hear him as he spent the early hours of the morning with you. When it turned 6 am he got up, kissed your lips, stroked your hair and walked out, looking back at you. He hated leaving you like this but he couldn't show your relationship. Even though he tried to hide it, the teachers were beginning to catch on. Both McGonagall and Dumbledore knew quickly but Professor Sprout caught on with madam Pomfrey telling of Severus visiting every morning to sit with you.

As the year went on Severus spent more and more time with you, missing your voice, your touch and your love. Severus started to spend time at lunch and dinner, taking it up with him to sit with you so you would in a way eat together. He started to become snider his old angry colours showing again however when he was with you his mask fell. Soon he started to lie with you, you had become petrified mostly straight to he could wrap his arms around you and snuggle into his chest. Soon he was spending the nights with you and woke early to sit next to you. Madam Pomfrey was amazed at his actions, thinking Severus as cold and heartless yet he had become soft and loving when with you.

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