Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of months since I talked to Colin last. Honestly it's like we were like oh yeah hi, nice to talk to you again. And then never talked to each other for awhile. I think it was because of the stuff I had sent him before that never went through until he accepted my friends request, and that he wanted to keep them from my parents for my safety. And if so I completely understand, I was out of my mind and I dont understand why I sent the things I did. But I'm also scared to see him again because of those reasons. So yeah when I get the chance to see him I get excited, but when I dont end up seeing him I'm kinda glad. And I know I always talk about how I want to see him but I never do. And I kinda want it to stay that way. But I know it won't stay that way forever. Watch in a few months I'll probably end up seeing him again and the problem will be gone, or he'll probably just forget about it. And we'll just pretend nothing ever happened so yeah I'll be glad if that happens. And who knows maybe my dreams will come true with us we'll never know.

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