Chapter 9

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My brothers birthday is tomorrow and I still have no idea if Colin is coming. But I guess it'll be a surprise if he does. I think my mom knows he's coming, but she doesn't want to tell me he's coming. I don't know why she wouldn't tell me tho. And I mean every time I ask her if she knows he's coming she tells me,"I don't know I told Jamie he could invite him, but I dont know if he did." And I wish there was a definite answer, but what can you do. And it won't matter if he comes or not, its not like it won't make a difference in my life. I haven't seen him since may, and I dont even really co.sider that seeing him, because I stared at him for literally like one second. So I dont count that, so I kinda haven't seen him in a year and 7 months, so I dont really care if he comes or not. Well I mean I care if he comes or not, but like it literally will not make a difference in my life. And if he does come great, another reason to make me scared for my life of this party. And I know I'm excited for it, but I'm really really scared, of the party, and I literally do not know whats going to happen at all. But what can you do, you can't predict the future, and you can't go back in time to fix anything so, yeah.

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