Chapter 11

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I finally got to see him again. I'm only seeing him every now and then, but I'm fine with that. And soon enough I'll hopefully be able to see him as often as I can. I got to show him my sweet guitar skills or at least what I've learned. I feel like he was silently judging me, but also I know he wasn't because thats not who Colin is. And to be honest, he's just a nice person in general so personally I can't see him doing that. He's just to nice, and he's been through too much for him to not have a reason to be mad at someone. And I get that, and I respect that. Sometimes I feel like me and him are connecting in a way. I feel like we're connected through death. Because we've both had to deal with losing someone major, and that made our bond stronger some how. I dont know that sounds stupid to be honest. But you never know, that could be the reason why we get along so amazingly well. Because we have something there that connects us. And I know he'd be there for me no matter what, and I'd be there for him to. Just as long as we stick together.

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