Chapter 6

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        Im hopefully seeing him again soon. But also twice in one month. Hopefully. Once on the 4th of July if he comes over. And once on my brothers birthday if he even comes to that to. But I'm waiting to see. And I'll be excited if he comes to both. Because he'll be able to see my guitar skills on the 4th, and at my brother's birthday party he'll be able to see my keyboard skills.
         On the 4th I'm playing the national anthem for obvious reasons on my guitar, and for my brothers birthday because its Trailer Park Boys themed I'm playing the theme song on keyboards. So I'm pretty excited for him to be there. Hopefully. And if he is hopefully I'm going to talk to him more. Cuz I need to. I shouldn't be so scared to talk to him. But all I can think about is how many possibilities could happen while he's around me. Like what if he pulls me away from everyone to talk to me and then he ends up kissing me. What if Colin's my first kiss. Omg that would be a story to tell.
           Omg just the thoughts and possibilities are getting me eXcItEd!!!!😁😁😁Its even giving me the chills. OMG OMG OMG!!! But I shouldn't get myself hyped up for something that might not happen. But you never know, whats gonna happen. Alls thats playing right now is literally songs that remind me of him. Omg this is gonna be amaze balls. Wooot wooot!!!!
          Omg I've got some planning to do. I've got to plan my outfits and everything. I've got to order some face paint, so I can do some designs on my face for the parties and everything. Omg. Sorry I'm using omg so much. But I can't wait to see what happens next for me and Colin.

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