Chapter 10

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Both of my brothers birthday parties have come and past, and school starts next week. And I haven't seen Colin since May. But I hope I can finally see him one day. And one day soon. Honestly I'm kinda excited for school to start but its gonna suck not being on summer break. Going into my sophomore year, of Highschool, I'm excited, but I'm honestly super nervous. Because every other year leading up to high school I had Colin with me, to help distract myself from school. But it also put me in a better mood, helped me get better grades, be nicer to everyone around me. That was until he left my side. And I became cold towards everyone. I couldn't see the person I loved the most. But somehow I've managed to stick through it, and suck it up, and kept moving. And look at me now, I'm going to be a sophmore, 2nd year in FFA, things are going great to be honest. I couldn't be happier than I am now. I wouldn't change a thing. And sooner or later, my birthday will be rolling around. And we'll be having a huge party. It's going to be lit. We're going to have such an awesome time, good music, good food, everything. Just gotta make some changes and we'll be all set for January to roll around for the party.

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