Chapter 2

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He's texted me once since October. That's once in 9 months without him being around. This summer feels different without him around. He was around me all last summer. Thats when I usually made my moves. Then school came around and I saw him less. I would only see him every once in awhile. That's when my mom dropped my step-dad off at band practice every Tuesday and Thursday. But that's before he got kicked out. And that's also when I stopped seeing Colin.

Colin was always nice. He was a very kind person, and he was always there for someone when they needed it. I thought that he didn't mean for my step-dad to leave and I'm sure he didn't want him to go. But the other two mates wanted him gone. But that is gonna change. I'm gonna go their once I can and get that spot as bass player. They did say they wanted a female bass player.

Every single day I think about Colin. I mean it's hard for me to get him out of my head. And I dont understand really why. I think I'm getting myself to worked up. Literally it's just a text message.

I mean I think he ment what he said, but I don't know what he ment by it. Like if he was calling me cute, because of I'm guessing like the way I talk, and do stuff, or if he was calling me cute because he thinks I'm cute, like I have cute face, and stuff like that.

Even though he talked to me that once. I still feel like he's left me in the dust. To fend for myself. I would have done anything for him. And I know he would've done the same thing for me. But I'm not to sure on that anymore. I feel like he's kinda a back stabbing man who doesn't care about his friends.

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