Chapter 5

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11 months later

May 23rd

I finally got to see him again a year and almost a half later. It was only for about 5 to 10 minutes but it was almost the best 5 to 10 minutes in my far. We didn't talk but he realized I was there because there were only 2 other people in there. And I was shaking a whole bunch. I was so nervous 😓 but he probably doesn't even remember. But I know he thinks of me, because he's invited us over to shoot air soft guns so thats kinda fun. You know it was good to see Colin tonight although I probably won't see him again for awhile. I think everyone knows that too. And if I do end up seeing him soon I'll try to talk more and not stare at my phone so much. But I gotta say it was pretty awkward seeing him again. Although he's been in my life for a little over 2 years. And he's been around as much as he hasn't. And I'll miss him everyday he's not around. And I'll enjoy every second he is around me. And I can not wait till I get to see him again. Omg wait till Ava and Vinny hear about this next weekend. Although there probably not gonna be to surprised when I call a team meeting. Although I haven't called one in awhile so yeah its gonna be a good surprise but at the same time there gonna see it coming. And I hope I can talk to Colin as good as I used to. Because I used to be able to tell him everything. Now I feel like I kinda can't tell him anything at all, and if I can its very very limited.

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