The day before Aptitude Test

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"See this," Jeanine pushed the folder to her. "This has as much intel you need to make it through. I want you to read it carefully, evaluate all the possibilities where things may go wrong or not as good as we need and report it by afternoon break. I know you can do that. I'll cancel all your duties until then." 

"But don't you think that the great Jeanine Matthews's prodigy daughter took Dauntless despite all the promising things she can get in Erudite?" Sofia, Jeanine Matthews's daughter asked. 

"I think there is a promising alibi. Don't worry much about that. You just need to be there and take care when things go................ out of track. Others can be handled by Eric," Jeanine responded.

"You can go now," Jeanine added cutting off any questions from her daughter.  

"Fia!!" Sofia halted her steps as her best friend called her. 

"Aki," she spoke as she turned over to the girl that stepped towards her.

Aki or Akila Roger is her best friend since kindergarten. She's a tall girl with auburn hair in a curtain of curls that almost touches her shoulder. Her chocolate skin with her hazel eyes framed with wiry glasses make her look like a dorkish girl. She's a head taller than Sofia Matthews. Sofia resembled her father more than her mother from the ink black hair to the fair skin with the fiery brown eyes. But in personality she's her mother's daughter. The same short cut hair, the way she holds herself with extreme superiority and the collected and calm demeanour they both maintained. 

"Visiting Miss today? I thought so after how brilliant you were in the IQ test. You scored high, like your mother," she exclaimed as she fell in step with Sofia. "You could say that. " Sofia replied. In the public, Jeanine was her superior, but in the house she didn't care as long as Sofia was alive. 

Sofia lost her father when her mother was expecting. So she grew up with the robot she had to call mother. But she did what was told and went her way after that. 

"Sooooooooo," Aki continued as they walked down the white plain hallways that look totally similar except for their length towards their living facilities. "I know it is nosy but what faction do you want to choose? I really don't want to leave home So I think I'll choose Erudite when I have to choose," she went on rambling. 

"You'll see," is all Sofia said before speeding up.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee Sofi!!" Aki pleaded. "I'm your bestie, aren't I? Tell me!!" She whined.

She stopped walking and so did Aki. "To be honest Aki, I didn't have the time to ponder. I'll think about it after the Aptitude Test," Sofia replied. "But in the meantime you should go to class. I won't come. Mother told me to take care of a few things she needed." She turned and walked away after exchanging farewells.

Sofia's POV:

Here I am, in my living quarters desk with the file in hand. The file that has most of the intel I'll need to get in the Dauntless faction. The first few pages has the Manifesto, the Dauntless faction's map and a bit of description of the place. The next part is what is Dauntless and their basic and in-depth description. After that starts the part which I really need. The Initiation. After you choose to drop your blood in the coal containing bowl you pledge yourself to the faction. Then you go to the platform where the train comes. You have to get on a running train that'll only slow down a bit and then jump off of it near the Dauntless compounds. After that I have to make a jump into a hole in a building and get in the Dauntless compound. Nothing more. 

That's all it has in a really long detailed description. 

The few questions that pops in my mind after rereading this file are :

1) Are they trying to kill the initiates?

2) Do I really wanna die this young?

3) What is below that hole I need to jump? 

So, in all rationality it is wise to not choose Dauntless. My mother won't be able to do anything if I choose Amity or Candor but I don't want the other factions. Why? Simple. Amity? They are sweet to the point of stupidity. Candor? I really appreciate my secrets and privacy. Abnegation? Too stiff and too boring. Erudite? I really don't want to go down my mother's path. So that leaves suicide faction. 

I note the last question only. I don't think my mother will appreciate it if I be irrational. Then I walk out of our stark white living quarters and back to my mother's laboratory. 

Just as I guessed, she was in her laboratory doing research on the sequential simulation she's trying to invent. But it isn't still ready as she needs a bit more data on a few things she's missing. When she sees me she takes off the protective goggles and places them neatly in her white lab coat pocket along with her gloves. 

"Sofia," Jeanine acknowledged. "Miss," Sofia nodded back.

"I have a question about the file you handed me," she replied.

"Then please do tell," Jeanine urged.

"What is beyond the hole?" Sofia asked. 

"There is a strong net, " she replied. 

"Thank you. Well if you don't need my presence then I'll be on my way," Sofia said before stepping back a bit.

"How are about the Aptitude test?" Jeanine asked her.

"Confident," Sofia replied.

"Very good," Jeanine replied as she went back to work.

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