My initiate instructor is Four

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Whoever said that falling hurts was bullshitting you. I can say for a fact that when you hit the abrupt stop in the end, it hurts like a bitch. I hit the net in full force and almost bounced off the side, so I tried to grab it sharply. It was a stupid mistake. My legs didn't have any footing so I went down the side while only hanging by my hand. The sudden strain made my muscles burn and I'm tempted to let go, so I don't get my arms ripped off. But the floor was out of my reach and I know I'll break bones if I decide to jump. So I hang there, my hands burning and still jittery from the hit on the hard net.  

Someone caught me and I instantly grabbed for their neck, trying to choke them. It's a reflex, I got from fending myself off from aggressive factionless. Choke them unconscious. 

"Oi, Four!" The guy who caught me came into focus in the dimly lit darkness. He was dark skinned with a grand grin on his face. "I think wild animals are also your initiates this year." His laugh was amazing and weird. 

"How's that man?" Another voice spoke. The sudden shift of light here was making my head spin so I blink a few times to clear all the dark spots and stars from my vision. After I was able to see I can make out a really tall guy with a patchwork face of bruise in black standing a few feet away from me with crossed arms. 

"Because," The guy who caught me slowly set me on the ground by the waist. I still have my nails digging in his neck. "This little thing over hear clawed my neck out like a wild cat." He ruffled my already messed up hair making me shake the locks out of my vision when they fell. I move my hands from his neck and see I drew blood from the amount of pressure I put. He saw me looking and touched his neck and winched a bit.

"What? It's just a scratch. It'll get better. But try not to claw out anyone else's throat, cat," he again tried to ruffle my hair but I moved away.

"Don't touch my hair. And I'm no cat," I snap at him. 

"Well then what should I call you?" He asked. 

"Fia. Fia Skys," I reply.

"Sweet name, kid," he whistled and turned back to the guy named Four. "The cat girl's named Fia Skys."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me cat?" I ask him.

"I don't take orders, sweetie," he replied. I want to punch him, but I doubt it'd work as he's at least a head taller than that stupid Dan I encountered. "Anyways, I'm Ezekiel, call me Zeke though," he extended his hand for a shake and I stared at it and high fived it.

"And I hope you already didn't forget my name, Zeke," I reply slowly. 

"No one forgets someone's name who tried to claw their necks off," he smirked. 

"Better," I say and step to the side. 

The area wasn't underground exactly. It was possibly some kind of basement facility or some floor which was below the normal ground height. The lighting was horrible, making it dark and the bulbs and tube lights were suspended by dangerous cords and wires, making  the room an weird pit full of dead snake-like wires that is hidden by darkness. The floor was concrete with old ragged sacks cover here and there. Dust and asphalt was floating in the air making me squint a little. I was never the fan of dust, I have allergies. 

I'm currently trying to tidy up my appearance while a few people are jumping in through the hole in the ceiling and into the net. The clanking of the net after every time someone jumps is mixed with the chatter of the people here. The Dauntless-borns took the jump after me and slowly a few transferees are jumping in too, though their shrieks are of pure terror than that of glee. I didn't yell or shriek though, but I yelped when I hit the net. My skin was burning in the cold temperature of this place, the raw skin on my arms and the sting in my knee is more noticeable now as there isn't pure adrenaline running.  

My body is aching, I'm not used to this much physical exertion. I need a shower, possibly a warm one, to  get the soreness out of my joints that feel as Stiff as Abnegations. I give up on looking presentable after I see that these rags won't look hat good any way I want them to.  So I stand there, in the side with a few others in ragged Erudite clothes, feeling a lot out of place and dirty, but satisfied. Raphael came after a moment, yelling and hitting the net on his front and being tossed to the side and into the arms of a Dauntless fellow. He walked in a daze state and looked around with wide mad eyes as if the adrenaline has left him high. When he spots me he stumbles forward and throws us both backwards and into other initiates. 

"Yah! Drunk group hug when we're all sober," some stupid yelled as many tackled us and soon we were a tangle of limbs and dirty, sweaty bodies. Stupid! 

"Get off," I yell to no avail they make their hold tighter. 

After a few more moments everyone gets off of one another. I was stuck between Raphael and another guy on my left in Dauntless clothes. The girl below me had her nose in my neck, her breath tickling me a bit, making me squirm and try to get my hands out of the grasp of the tangled limbs. 

It too a while to get everyone off of each other and back to the corner. A few Dauntless were standing before us. Eric, Zeke, a girl with brown hair and a muscular build, a guy with an almost shaved head and broad shoulders, a ashen woman with a wiry tall build and Max. The guy with an almost shaved head took a step up in front of us. 

"Hello initiates," his voice was a quiet bold. His voice was bold, but he spoke quietly, slowly, letting us understand each word, not raising his voice, keeping it quiet. Quiet, never good, especially with this guy who looks as if he doesn't have humanity in him. His eyes black, wait- no, it's not black, it's dark and hollow; head almost shaved, shoulders pulled back and walking calculated. a total murder machine. And I know a problem when I see it. And he is one undoubtedly. I think now I understand why mother sent me here. To keep this under machine at bay. But one flaw, how can a girl who is roughly reaching his shoulder stop him? Bodily strength won't work. I doubt intelligence is something he lacks as his posture says otherwise. Dammit mother, what did you think of me, a miracle worker? 

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