Train ride, Scratch 'n' bite

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I groaned at his comment making his grin into a laugh. We were close but still weren't friends. Sure, we passed jokes and stories and we could always rely on each other for something but we loved our space. We keep our own words and secrets. That's what makes me comfortable. And he's honest. 

"Oii, you," a guy with the tattoo of a horse on the left side of his face called and we both looked up. Raphael looked at him and then pointed at me and then at himself as if to ask who he was asking for. 

"You," he's words are as clear as mud. Raphael again pointed at him and asked," Me?" 

"Not you, you!!" He pointed at me. I'm getting annoyed and  really don't like the way he's addressing me.

"The girl with the glasses not the telephone pole of a guy," he again called. I'm pissed. 

"If you want me to come then say my damn name you bloody moron," I snapped making the guy look back at me in shock and then amusement. 

"Didn't think you brains could even talk without launching in to a pathetic lecture over some fact," he chuckled. 

"The only fact I'm providing you is that if you don't watch what comes out of your mouth next will be the end of your life," I shot back.

 Now, never say something like this to someone who has more practice in fighting and is more experienced at fighting. But I forgot this simple fact at the face of ange. Which is why I was where I was after those words left my mouth.

His amusement seemed to vanish and anger was in its place making me regret what I said. I always got in trouble for my big mouth, and if it's not my mouth then it's my facial expression. I really should've picked Candor. 

The guy was at least a head and five inches taller than me, giving him the advantage of towering over me like my impending doom which I probably won't be able to avoid if I don't start thinking through my brain instead of my emotions. Now closer the tattoo looked more prominent. He had an off shade of green for his eyes and brown hair. His nose was crooked and his lips and ears ha rings adorning them. The stare was enough to give me goosebumps. He grabbed the front of my shirt in a bruised fist and lifted me of the ground like I'm a sack of flour weighting next to nothing. 

"Listen here brat, you can't go around insulting whomever you please with that foul mouth of yours," he gritted out. The smell of cigar and unclean mouth hits me square in the nose and I have to look at his eyes to not gag from the disgusting breath he has. Funny thing about this situation: I can't be bothered whether he throws me out of the train or whatever. I can't be frightened by things easily. Happens when your mother's a sociopath and you spend time near one of the factionless populated areas.  The factionless always fought and sometimes attacked each other like rabid animals. A few even attacked me but I can run faster than I look like. 

I shouldn't have said that I wouldn't care whether he threw me out of this train. Because he planned to do exactly that.

He made his way to the train car's open door with me dangling in mid air suspended by his fist in my shirt. I'm now suspended in front of the car door. The car wasn't  crowded as It was one of the first cars of the train. Only me, this guy dangling me, Raphael, Sam, and two girls and a dark skinned guy who are watching our fight with curious gazes. 

The wind was rustling my clothes that were on my back and my hair is going wild. The cold in the summer heat was good but I sure don't feel good enjoying that while only suspended by some stupid Dauntless dude's fist. The guy must've taken the look on my face as panic, he smirked and pushed me further so I'm only at the edge of the cart. "Not so brave are we now?" He cocked. 

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