I catch the to Dauntless

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Max, the Dauntless leader steps on the podium. He starts speaking, his voice strong and deep, more loud as the speakers resonate it, making my brain jiggle in my head. 

"Welcome all to the Choosing Ceremony," he starts. "I'm Max, one of the Dauntless leaders. Today you all are gathered here," he faces the sixteen year olds who have to choose and carries on. " To choose your own factions. Until now, you were in your parents' responsibility, but after the Choosing Ceremony you will be full-fledged adults. "

"Today you will not only choose a faction but choose your whole life. You will make your own path, your own rules," he spoke. How pathetic. Choosing one's rest of the life by five bowls? They think they are giving us a choice, but in reality we're more chained that most see. 

  "A long time ago our ancestors realized that each of us, each individual, was responsible for the evil that exists in the world. But they didn't agree on exactly what that evil was," Max says. "Some said that it was dishonesty ..." exactly what the leaders replay each year, to make sure the choice is done. Blaming our ancestral feuds on the lack of faction system. 

 "Some said that it was ignorance, some aggression ..." he carried on. "Some said selfishness was the cause. And the last group said that it was cowardice that was to blame."

  "That is how we came by our factions: Candor, Erudite, Amity, Abnegation, and Dauntless." Max smiles. "In them we find administrators and teachers and counselors and leaders and protectors. In them we find our sense of belonging, our sense of community, our very lives." He clears his throat. "Enough of that. Let's get to it. Come forward and get your knife, then make your choice. First up, Winston"

Nathan Winston, a boy short enough to pass as a twelve year old. But his height doesn't measure the amount of words he spews like the other Candor brats. He stepped in circle of bowls and takes the knife and slits his palm. He lets out a whimper as the blood gushes out he then holds it on the bowl with the glass pieces and lets the blood drip on them. A cheer can be heard from the Candors. "Nathan Winston, Candor." 

This way the crowd kept moving up. Amity, Amity, Candor, Abnegation, Erudite, Erudite, Dauntless, and now it's me.

"Mathews, Sofia," Max called. I step up to the bowls and take the knife. It's plain and hard and very real. I know what it feels like to hold a knife in hand. My only two possessions from my father who I never knew were a hard leather journal and a wicked knife that was in the journals cover. 

I gently slit my palm but I had to squeeze it for blood to come out. I stepped over to the coals and let my blood drip. I can hear the howls from the Dauntless as I made my way towards the area where the new initiates are gathered. Only five people decided to choose this year, me included.

The cheering Dauntless spring up from their seats and make their way to the doors. I start running to catch up with them. Raphael Sel from Erudite took Dauntless too and he made his way towards me. 

"It's weird seeing you with them," he told me. 

"Why so?" I asked as I speed up and so did he btu he's having a bit of difficulty keeping up with me as he doesn't have the experience with running as I did from sneaking off in the nights and bolting back to our quarters.

Raphael Sel was an Erudite with brown curly hair and green eyes that always flashed beneath his glasses. He was slender and taller than me but I had more practice so I have a chance of outrunning him. But I don't. I know his since kindergarten. We used to partner up in projects. His pale skin always got burned after we played in the fields and turn red like an apple. 

"You had your whole future their. In Erudite. You are smarter than most others and is a child of one of the leaders. You could've become a leader anytime you wanted," he replied after a run.

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