The leap of Dauntless compound

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[Author's note: So, hello dear readers. I hope you are doing well (though it doesn't change anything if they aren't- brain). It's been awhile since I've posted an author's note, that's because the story just begun. If you think my story will clash with the original book then don't worry. I spent a few weeks going over when how and where it will be. And yeah, don't kill me for not updating for a long period. See, I have a busy schedule and writing isn't that easy, the story comes to me slowly, (Even me don't know what happens to Sophia. I hope she lives and doesn't die, which would probably suck hard.) but I need to do a lot of other things like *Get ready for a list of boring things I need to do before a chapter is presented*

- Come up with a new idea

-Go through it so it's good

- Go through the series to see if anything that clashes comes up

-Think about the new one

-Type it between my classes or studies or something like that

So yeah, It'll take a while. ]

"Alright," Sam started. "Get your ass ready cause we'll be jumping." I looked up and so did Raphael, with a frown. "Again jumping? Isn't there another way off of this train?" He asked Sam. Sam sighed and looked back from the doorway with a hand on her hip. "Listen, bunny, this train never stops. You gotta jump in and out of it every time you want to make a trip. So, yeah, you gotta jump." Her voice was rough and deep, having a sort of masculinity like all the other Dauntless girls. 

Shaking his head in exasperation, Raphael turned to me. "I guess they want suicidal maniacs, not brave people, in Dauntless," he muttered so I can hear it. I had to snort. Aren't we though? I mean, look at him, he's probably suicidal. Why, you may ask. Well, see, his family is really hell bent on staying in Erudite and have been doing it since............. a long time as far as he told me. His mommy, daddy, big brother, big sister, toilet paper, everything is in Erudite. ANd they made it clear that if anyone of the family members decided to be even a little less of an Erudite, they'd abandon them. His brother was too much of a Erudite lover that he'd abandon his own flesh and blood for choosing another faction, after all, all they care about is 'faction before blood' and sort of that bullshit. I really don't know what he's feeling inside. It's hard to read him. Yet, he's here, beside me, in a train that'll go to the Dauntless compounds. 

I slowly extend my arms to him and he reaches forward to hug. We hug and part to get up and go to the doorway, near where Sam was. 

The wind was strong. The summer heat was flying past in the whipping wind, making a jolt go through me. We've crossed halfway towards the Dauntless compound entryway. I can barely see the buildings we['d be jumping in. This will be fun, and if I miss the jump, then doom. Raphael's breath was ragged as he nervously stood behind me. I can hear his bones vibrating in fear. 

"Are we jumping right now? With nothing but a solid ground below?" He asked Sam, earning a chuckle from her.

"Nah, bunny," she replied and leaned out the doorway and pointed the buildings we can see. "Those buildings you see? That is where you'll have to jump."

It didn't help  him much as he started cursing a few things I'm not gonna repeat for the love of all the things nice. I wish the buildings approach slower but the universe doesn't take orders from me, they started getting clearer and my legs were getting weaker. I want to curl up but I gotta jump, I have to belong somewhere. I won't be welcomed in Erudite again if I can't make the jump. And I don't know where this train will take me if I decided to stay here. 

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