"Revenge... sweet revenge" (final)

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Bonus that was supposed to be part of the previous chapter but I forgot

Brazil pov
Argentina wasn't the only reason I wanted to hurry back to the hotel, I had seen some eyes peering at us from a bush.  They were brown eyes and they seemed to be watching us very carefully, they even seemed to be pleased with what they were looking at, then my gaze met them.  A feeling of horror and oppression ran through my entire body, my muscles paralyzed and I was terrified as I continued to look at whoever was behind that bush.  The figure disappeared in seconds, backing up hastily until nothing was seen.  I couldn't believe it, I thought we were alone here, it could have been an ordinary person but when I felt that feeling of horror, as if everything around us had been wrapped in a black void, my blood was frozen.
As soon as I came to my senses I didn't think twice and urged the others to move, I didn't want to stay there for a second longer.

Greece pov
My chance has finally arrived, with the professors in the infirmary, I can finally take my revenge on Germany and Spain.
I wrote the whole plan to Italy and he reluctantly agreed, I know how much he loves Spain but he can't deny that the Spain of now is not what we have always known.  While everyone was going back to their rooms I made a sign to Italy and we both went to Germany without being noticed.  As soon as we were close to him, making sure that only Spain was following us suspiciously, I pushed Germany with all my strength.  He fell and immediately turned to look at us, initially scared that it might be someone big, but when he realized it was us, his expression became increasingly angry. "Since when are you so bold to turn against us?~".  Spain asked, scrounging his fingers in a threatening way as Germany got to his feet.  I looked at Italy who seemed to be determined to complete our plan. "You two don't scare us anymore, you are just two losers who can do nothing but insult to prevail over others".  Spain seemed very irritated by Italy's 'insolent' tone.
"ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME ?! I SAID I WOULD NOT HESITATE TO KILL her... and I always keep my word~" he said pulling out a knife and pointing it at me.  I seemed to be so sure of my plan, but the sight of that knife reminded me of that day in the alley.  I began to retreat slowly, with a terrified expression on my face, maybe this plan was not a good idea.  Italy noticed this and stood in front of me to protect me looking Spain straight in the eye. "You won't twist a hair as long as I'm here".  I became all red at those words, I could never have imagined that someone would protect me at the cost of his life and I could not let it happen, especially if that someone was Italy.  Germany came up behind me and grabbed my wrists, holding me still so I wouldn't run away and couldn't defend myself. "NO, LET HER GO"  Italy screamed turning as Spain took him from behind and put the knife near his throat. "Now I'm tired of playing Italy~" he said whispering in his ear. "Germany, you take care of teaching Italy a lesson... while I  I take care of her~ ".  Germany pushed me to the ground as Spain left Italy so that Germany could take care of it.
"Poland where the fuck are you?"  I murmured between my teeth.  I told her to bring Portugal here, if she didn't arrive, the plan would go up in smoke and Italy could be seriously injured.  Spain came in front of me with the knife firmly held in one hand.
"Greece Greece ... why don't you finally step aside and let me take care of Italy~...  what could you offer him...".  I remained silent, I didn't know what to answer, I felt my stomach turn with fear and I was also having a slight feeling of nausea.  Meanwhile, Italy and Germany were fighting, but the first managed to get out of the grip of the second and running towards me, he stands in front of me again. "Italy, back off ... you know that I am the right person for you ...  come on ... just wait till I put her out of the way and you will understand  that I am the right choice~ ".  Italia got angry, gritted his teeth and his pupils shrunk. "I already told you I won't let you hurt her."  They both looked into each other's eyes, with a determination that I have rarely seen in Italy, but I could not let something irremediable happen, after all, the plan was mine and if it failed it would be my fault and only I would have to pay the consequences.  Germany threw himself on Italy with a punch ready to hit him, but I didn't allow it.  I pushed Italia and took the fist in the face, falling back to the ground.  My cheek was really sore and my mouth tasted of blood from having cut my lip.  "GREECE!"  Italy screamed rushing with his eyes swollen with tears, he knelt next to me and took my hit cheek with his hand, caressing it tenderly, continuing to cry.  I smiled at him starting to cry from the accumulated stress, the plan had failed and it was all my fault. "GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!"  Spain screamed, stamping his feet on the ground.
"We'll make you pay~" Germany said instead, ready with another punch.  Italy and I both narrowed our eyes, the moment that I hadn't calculated in my revenge had come, the moment of failure ...

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