Just like my drawing...

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Sorry for the long absence  but as I said I do not write if I have no motivation, because I want the chapters to come out well.
Third person pov
Each country was at the entrance waiting for the teacher and any countries that were still preparing. Everyone was wearing clothing to go for walks, sneakers or boots, a t-shirt and shorts. America and Russia were talking about their favorite songs, but Russia was not very attentive to the speech, he had decided to confess himself to America. He had thought that if he found a good place in the woods, like in movies or books with princes and princesses, it might be a romantic enough place t confess himself. He couldn't wait to tell him to get that boulder out of his stomach. "Ok guys in line and let's go out" said the teacher running in front of all the countries and settling down. The boys were ready to go when they heard a voice from the back of the group: "Stop, China is missing!".

Vietnam pov
I stayed the whole time watching others talk and have fun, the only people I interacted with were Russia and China, and since the first was talking to his boyfriend and the second had not arrived yet, I stood aside staring at the others. Who knows how long it would have taken to heal the wounds caused by our behavior, obviously some apology and a few smiles would not have been enough, time would have to pass. When the teacher told everyone to leave, obviously I pointed out to everyone that China was missing and not only him, even Canada and South Korea. Everyone turned to look at me and I blushed with embarrassment. "Oh, I didn't realize that someone was missing, anyway now be nice while I'm going to call them" and having said that she walked towards the part of the hotel where there were the rooms. I was not convinced by this matter, I had seen Canada approach China this morning for breakfast and say something to him with a grin on his face. China had nodded with a look of terror in the eyes, what if Canada and South Korea had hurt him ?. My thoughts were interrupted by a very boring little voice that was close to me. "You always think only of China, won't you be gay ?! Hahaha". "Shut up America" ​​I said turning all red, then I grinned. "You, don't you think about Russia 24 hours a day? ". This time it was his turn to blush and look down while Russia looked at him laughing, who knows what his father would have thought if he had seen him with America, most likely he would have punished him for life. "Ok guys we're ready" shouted the teacher while she was returning followed by the missing countries. I looked at China and saw the fear in his eyes, which passed as soon as he met my gaze, all the fear disappeared and he smiled at me as he ran towards me. I tried to hide my red cheeks with the sleeves of my sweatshirt and I heard America behind me making an "AWWW" type verse. And I became even more red and irritated than before.

Third person pov
"So listen to me carefully, the area that you can explore will be surrounded by a rope suspended between the trees, do not go beyond it or you will find certain death, also keep your cell phones at hand because I could send you an urgent message and you will have to go back to the hotel immediately , do you understand me? ". Everyone yelled yes and scattered in groups of more or less two or three people. The most euphoric of all was Russia waiting to tell America what he felt. He took his hand and began exploring the woods trying to find a romantic spot while America kept asking him where they were going and why they were running. Eventually Russia stopped, in his opinion he had found a perfect place.

Russia pov
After wandering the pine forest far and wide, I was able to find a place. There was this pine bigger and more isolated from the others. Since there was space between its branches and those of the others, you could admire the sun's rays that seemed to almost surround that tree, it looked like a tent where the pine was the central stick and the rays the coating of the tent, it was perfect to confess my feelings.
" Wow, "America exclaimed in amazement behind me.
"Let's go sit there," I said, pointing to the base of the pine trunk and walking over there as America followed me. I sat with my back to the trunk and America sat next to me. He rested his head on my shoulder and I rested mine on his. I could no longer hear the voices of the others, only his calm breathing and the typical sounds of the woods like the branches of the pines or the chirping of some little birds. It was just me and him, with no one to disturb us, I was almost sorry to interrupt that quiet, but I had to, nobody knew if I would have another chance. I took a deep breath and tried to compose sentences.
"Listen to me Ame ... there's one thing I should tell you." He tilted his head so he could look me in the eye and I swallowed. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, I didn't even know what I was doing, the fact is that I was afraid of them, they seemed to know my father and I had afraid that they could tell him that I was your friend ... I know that an apology is not enough but- ". I was interrupted by America's laughter, why is it so damn melodious? How does a single laugh flood me with joy and love? "Russia, you couldn't even be called a bully, you never hit me and your insults were really dumb, and anyway ... I have already forgiven you ... "" Thanks ... there is another thing, I don't know if I will have another chance to tell you, I had to hide these feelings for too long now and I have to get rid of it ... I know that for sure I will face a lot of hatred from others but ... I don't care ". Now America was really attracted to his friend's speech, he got down on his knees and looked at me waiting for the sequel, while without knowing it his cheeks became more and more red and his heart was beating faster and faster.
"With this I want to tell you that ... that I ...".
Why couldn't I tell him?!, It was just to get these three words out of my mouth 'I love you', why?!.
"That you?" pressed America who meanwhile was being eaten by anxiety and curiosity. "That I ... well ... I ...

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