Thursday: school trip

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America pov
I woke up with my phone in my hand with a video that was loading but after three seconds it went out. Now I can't even take my phone to school. I got up and went to the bathroom and Australia informed me that breakfast was ready. Today I was going to eat and that's why yesterday I told my mother buy two apples, a pear and a bunch of bananas. I went down to have breakfast and weirdly my father wasn't there, he must have gone to work already and my mother must have already gone to work, so I took an apple and a banana. I ate the apple without problems but i stopped to look at the banana, peeled it and started making films about its shape and began to lick it in a strange way imagining it was the "finger" of Russia. At one point I put it all in my mouth and at that moment I heard someone call me, I turned around and saw Canada and Australia looking at me, the first looking at me in shock and the second looking at me simply with a questioning face.
"America ... what the hell are you doing?", Canada must have understood what I was doing. "Aren't you too young to think about certain things !? You're lucky that neither mom nor dad are here" Canada screamed in my face. "Why, He was just licking a banana," Australia said. Even though he was our age, Australia was too innocent and naive. "Yes, in fact, we don't lick bananas" he said, sighing. Canada got up from the table and went to his room. "I didn't understand," Australia said, getting up and going in his room. I looked again at the banana thinking how stupid I was, I ate it and went to my room too to get ready.

As soon as we were all ready we walked to the school which was only five minutes from our house.  Arriving in front of the school entrance I found my friends and greeted them, then I saw Russia entering the school and I decided to follow him.  He slipped into a corridor and then turned the corner but immediately I was pushed to the ground, I turned around and there were obviously China and Vietnam. "Hello America ~, where are you going all alone ~?"
China said letting its fingers explode ready to hit me. "Oh good you took America," another voice said behind me and I didn't need to turn around to see who it was, I already knew. "Yes, this pig wandered all by itself  the school, "said Vietnam, starting to get ready to beat me hard." It is s-stupid for you to go by yourself" said Russia, obviously not knowing how to offend me, and I am very sure of that, not wanting to offend."  Yes and now we will give you a nice little lesson America ~, so you'll learn once and for all who's in charge ~ "." Yes, i-in fact we will make fun of you, we will offend you, w-we will beat you and y-you will understand that you are er  ... stupid ".
"More than stupid he will understand that he is only a pig, you are fat America" ​​said China turning around me and those words, I don't know how, hit me in full.  I looked at Russia and he looked ... angry!  Even Vietnam began to turn around and he too began to insult me. "But even in the ways you are a pig, in the end no one cares about you, nobody comes to stop us as happened for Japan. When we beat you, nobody comes to defend you."  Those words made me cry, they never told me such a thing, but it was true.  To everyone else there was always someone who consoled them or sacrificed themselves for them, but for me no one had ever come.  The bell rang and China and Vietnam ran to their classes because the profs told them that they would suspend them if they were late again.  I remained on the floor and tried to cry as quietly as possible, then someone took me by the hips and turned me so that he could look me in the face.

Russia pov
I was shocked at how heavy the insults that China and Vietnam had told America had been.  True, no one had ever come to save him or protect him and I wanted so much to be the one who would protect him.  With every word of China and Vietnam I became more and more angry but I couldn't do anything, I wasn't afraid for myself but more for my brothers and for America, at least they hadn't beaten him.  America began to cry and I felt pain, poor, she didn't deserve all this.  I approached and taking him by the hips and I lifted him, delicately though, I wanted to console him but I felt a stupid because I was part of the bullies too.  As soon as my hands touched his hips he stopped crying and didn't resist when I picked him up, i put him on his feet and then gently turned him to see him in the face.  He had sunglasses and so I couldn't see his eyes but I could see the tears coming down from under his glasses, wiped them with my thumbs while still looking at him, our faces were so close.  I looked at his lips and blushed, starting to bring my lips closer to his.  I wanted to kiss him and show him how much I liked him.  Fortunately I returned to myself and saw that America and I were really a few inches away but I could not do such a thing, he could hate me to death.  So I left and left him there with a surprised and shocked look. "Well, I just did the stupid with America, I'm a fool," I said in a low voice so that only I could hear and covering my face with  my ushanka( i don't know if I wrote correctly).

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