Saturday: date❤️

616 12 2

Russia pov
When I woke up I no longer remembered anything, I was on my bed, my head and stomach hurt and my vision was still a little hazy.  I looked around, my father was on my bed, he was cuddled next to me and he seemed to have cried a lot.  He had his head on mine as he hugged me.  I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:30 am so it was late for school.  I rubbed my head trying to remember what had happened yesterday afternoon and remembered that my father had pushed me into the wall, after that I couldn't remember anything.  I tried to get out of my father's grip but he was hugging me too tightly.  I started squirming to get out of his arms but by doing so I woke him up.  As soon as he woke up he hugged me with all the strength he had and started crying again.
"RUSSIA I'M SORRY. I WAS ANGRY, I'M SO SORRY"  my father shouted, bursting into tears like I had never seen him do before.
"Dad calm down, what happened?"  He wiped his tears and loosened his grip. "After you passed out, I ran to you and started shaking you, I didn't think you slammed so hard, I called you and shook you harder but you didn't move. I started  crying and I brought you to the bed. I told your brothers what had happened and I told them you wouldn't go to school. I slept with you all night until you woke up now. "All right daddy, I was angry too. It's the fault of both. "  We hugged each other until my father kissed me on the forehead.
"Dad, can I ask you a few questions?"  He looked at me and then nodded. "First, is there anything more than just friendship between you and the Third Reich right?"  He blushed and shook his head quickly. "N-no, w-we're just very good friends."
I looked at him unconvinced. "Oook second, why were you sleeping on the couch in boxer and your clothes were all messy on the floor~?"  He became even more red.
"B-because I was hot". "BUT IF YOU HAD A BLANKET!"  I yelled in surprise, "Please, just ask me another question and that's it." "Ok, third, who were you chatting with last night?"  He looked at the ground and then back at me.
"With R-Reich, B-B-BUT WE ARE ONLY FRIENDS".  He screamed waving his hands in front of him.
I then began to look at him with a look that suggested that I hadn't believed his answers.
"If you are just friends, why did you turn off the phone as soon as you saw me?" "W-well I ... ehmm", he sighed before looking at me and finally I knew he had lied to me. "Russia ... I didn't tell you  just the t-truth "." First yes, there is something more than a simple friendship between me and Reich. Second, you have ehmm ... you have already understood, true? ".  I nodded, continuing to look at him always with that look. "And who was on top~?"  He turned a dark red. "R-RUSSIA BUT WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY?".  I started to laugh out loud while he covered his face with his hands. "Really, who was on top?" "I won't answer this question."."Third, I was chatting with Reich, he was telling me he wanted show me something at his house and that I should have gone to him this afternoon ".  I continued to look at him victorious because I had finally managed to get that doubt out of my head. "I know it's late for breakfast but at least you come to eat something, you haven't eaten since lunch yesterday."  I nodded and followed my father down to the kitchen

Time skip to the date of Italy and Greece because i'm lazy.

Italy pov
I was in front of the park entrance waiting for Greece. On any other occasion I would have arrived late but today no, today was different. Greece had agreed to take a walk with me. Even though we were very good friends, we had never managed to get out we two alone, there were always other people and I could never talk to her, maybe today the situation will change. Greece arrived and as always greeted me with that smile that was worth more than anything in the world. We entered the park and started talking about random things as we walked the main street of the park. I could not blush when Greece turned to look at me, i turned my face and looked elsewhere to distract myself, in my opinion I looked like a jerk in the eyes of Greece.

Greece pov
I thought Italy doesn't like me, every time I turned to him he turned around. After about ten minutes I was annoyed to walk and I saw a bench in front of the fountain in the center of the park. I took Italy's hand and started leading him to the bench, I can say that I saw Italy blushing and this gave me hope and determination. Once we arrived we sat down and I didn't leave Italy's hand, it was reassuring to feel the touch of his hand on mine. I kept talking, trying not to look him straight in the eye, not to show my red face. But I wanted to see Italy's reaction if I turned to look at him and then I approached to kiss him. "Listen, Greece, I have to tell you something." I turned to look at him and smiled "What?" He started looking around and seemed nervous. I began to approach. He stood looking at me trying to talk. "I-I-I wanted to tell you t-t-that I ... I-I ...". While he tried to speak I had come a few inches from his face. He fell silent, looked into my eyes and then looked at my lips. We got closer and closer until our lips met. The kiss was gentle and his lips were really soft, I wanted to stay that way forever but we had to break away to catch our breath. It had been fantastic, we stood looking into each other's eyes, a tear fell from both our cheeks "I love you, Greece" said Italy smiling and all red. I giggled and blushed, "Σ'αγαπώ και εγώ, Ιταλία" (I don't know if it's correct). We kissed again and this time there was much more security in the kiss, but we were interrupted by someone.

Spain pov
I was with Germany at the park, I could tell that Germany had become my new best friend. Germany had to meet Poland at the park but she felt sick. I was passing through to keep an eye on Italy. I had seen him leaving the house, so Germany had asked me to take a walk together and I accepted. As we walked in the park I saw Italy and Greece in the distance sitting on the bench in front of the fountain. Their faces were so close and that made me very angry and then I saw them kissing. I couldn't believe it, I was there with my eyes wide open and my mouth open. Germany noticed it and stopped to ask me what had happened and I pointed to Italy and Greece. He turned and was shocked for a moment before a grin formed on his face. We approached them at a brisk pace, trying not to be noticed. When we were close, Germany laughed in a creepy way but so that only we could hear, in some things he remembered his father sometimes. They turned and looked at us with eyes full of fear. "Follow us and nothing too dramatic will happen to you on the trip." Germany told to Greece and Italy and they nodded knowing they had no other choice. I followed Germany and sometimes I turned around, and seeing Italy holding Greece close to himself made me feel sad and angry like never before. I put my hand in my pocket and made sure my knife was there, I always kept it with me to use it in case. That was the right time to use it, Greece had exceeded the limit and had to pay the consequences.

We arrived in an alley and pushed Italy and Greece against the wall so that they could not escape. We hit them with punches and kicks, they had dark bruises on their cheeks. Germany laughed but his phone rang suddenly and he had to leave the alley to answer, leaving his grip on Italy that fell to the ground exhausted. I let go Greece, which fell to the ground and took the knife, knelt down next to Greece and began to smile like a homicidal madman. Greece was very scared as she looked at the knife I kept turning in my hand. I put a finger on my mouth to let her know that she had to be quiet or there would be horrible consequences. I raised the knife in the air ready to hit her, I didn't want to kill her but only to make her a cut that would stay there forever. Unfortunately Italy threw himself again in front of Greece for protecting her. I managed to slow down the movement of my arm but I hit the same Italy that fell with his back to the ground. I could not breathe and my heart stopped, Italy had a cut between the eyes from which some blood came out. I got up and ran as fast as I could without turning back. "SPAIN WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" Germany screams seeing me escape so quickly. I said nothing and kept running. I got home and threw myself on the couch and left my sobs grew stronger. I felt so bad, Greece will pay me dearly.

Italy pov
I watched Spain run away, I didn't understand why he was hitting us first and then running away. Greece kept asking me if I was okay and I nodded. "Thank you Italy, I love you so much," she said hugging me. I smiled and returned the hug "I love you too Greece". We got up and left the alley and noticed that Germany was no longer there. "Come to my house so we can fix that scratch," said Greece taking my hand. I nodded and walked to her house which was closer than mine.

We arrived at her house and she made me sit on the sofa while she took the first-aid kit. After treating the scratch, Greece sat next to me and we cuddled a little on the sofa until we fell asleep.

I'm sorry if the last part is lazy but i wanted to post the chapter and the drawing. I think it's one of the most beautiful designs I've ever done.

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