8. 𝓡𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻𝔂 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂

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Hey guy's this chapter is supposed to be the last chapter but Wattpad has mixed it up sorry

Chapter Eight

I'm not gonna lie
The next few months were hard
I experienced 3 relapses with self harm
And was constantly going back and forth with my weight

But today is special
It's my 17th birthday
Last year I was so sure I'd never live to be 17
But here I am

Today is my first doctors appointment in months
It sucks that it's on my birthday but it's just a check in
Of course my best friend Karter is coming

He's been through everything with me
And I can't thank him enough
So of course when he found out about my check up
He was practically already in the car with me

"Happy birthday Ethan" Dr Reed said as we entered his office, I said a quick thanks and sat in the chair "Okay all we need to do today is a weigh in, and prescribe you more meds so you know the drill" I nodded and we walked into a room next to the office where we left Alex and Karter.

I stripped down to my boxers and stepped on the scales which now read 110 pounds "Okay Ethan you're still underweight for your height and weight but this is a big improvement from 95 pounds last time, you've followed your eating plan well and if this continues you'll be well on your way to recovery" I smiled and redressed.

He gave me more meds and we were off, I was super happy, at first weight gain was scary I felt like I'd look bloated and ugly but I feel great, I have so much more energy, I've gotten into running everyday which Alex said is a healthier way to stay fit and it reliefs stress.

When we got home it was strangely quiet, nobody was playing outside even though it's the middle of summer, I looked at Alex but he just shrugged and we walked inside, the lights were off so Alex switched them on and everyone jumped out from the living room furniture and yelled


The room was decorated in party decor and a banner hung above their heads reading

HaPpY bIrThDaY eThAn

I smiled and thanked them all minus Marcel who was upstairs claiming birthdays that weren't his were stupid

"Let's get this party started!!!" Kami yelled and Mrs Weather turned on the old CD player as we all danced before I herd something that sounded like a dog bark

"What was that?" I asked and Kyle sighed "Damn we wanted to surprise you later but happy birthday Eth!" Kyle opened the storage room door and a blonde Pomeranian puppy jumped out, tears formed in my eyes, I'd always wanted a dog specifically a pomeranian they're so damn cute, I picked it up still crying and saying thank you over and over again "She's a girl but doesn't have a name yet and she's all yours, your friends came up with the idea of getting you an emotional support animal and I thought it was a great idea" I smiled at my friends after Alex explained "Thank you so much" they all hugged me as the puppy no, my puppy yipped happily

That night I finally decided on her name "Hope" I told everyone and they smiled "That's a great name" Karter said as I held Hope in my lap, she was fast asleep after the day she had with the younger kids, Isaac and Ursula adore her.

Soon Mrs Weather was carrying a chocolate cake while everyone sang happy birthday to me, I smiled hoping to never forget this moment, everyone's happy, I'm happy, everyone watched as I actually ate my birthday cake for the first time since I was 11 and God did it taste goood.

Maybe life is hard
Maybe it's harder on some people
But I survived
And I'm gonna keep surviving
Because now I've realised just how much I have

I have hope

"Ethan come get in a group picture" Mya held her phone on a selfie stick and me, Karter, Mya, Kameron and Sawyer smiled, we even got Kyle to smile in one.

Alex's POV
I watched happily as Ethan smiled with his friends before I got a call and stepped outside

A- "Hello, Mr Alexander speaking"
J- "Hello, I'm Julian this is the director of Green Fields Orphanage, correct?"
A- "Yes that's correct how may I help you?"
J- "I'm calling on behalf of my wife and I, we are looking for a mister Ethan Wes, he is homed in your facility right?"
A- "Yes that's right what do you need with him"
J- "My name is Julian Wes, I'm the younger brother of Ethans mother, his mother has sadly passed away and in her will she asked of us to take him in, we've already been cleared by social services and would like to meet with the boy next week, could you arrange that?"
A- "Um yes of course is next Tuesday good?"
J- "Perfect see you then"

Alex's heart dropped after he hung up, Ethan was leaving and he wasn't sure the others or Ethan himself would take this well

Well that's the end, I hope you enjoyed this short story, if you'd like a second one of Ethan leaving his friends and family to live with this new uncle please comment and feel free to give feedback as that's the only way to grow as a writer
Thanks for reading
Xoxo CarahFarrell 💛

They Say Life Is A Gift, But Is It Really?//Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now