Make them believe

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After I took a deep breath and wished to not screw this up, and with that I started singing the song that the real Emilia and her brother composed.....

When we were young we were the ones
The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world
We smoked cigarettes man no regrets Wish I could relive every single word

We've taken different paths
And travelled different roads
I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

I started enjoying singing so I just feel the rhythm and continued it like I am the only one in this world and slightly started using my hands and also focused on the lyrics....

And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

I've got you brother
I've got you brother
I've got you brother
I've got you brother

It's really really a nice song and it proves they were so close and I wish I was also with my little brother.....

Oh brother, we'll go deeper than the ink
Beneath the skin of our tattoos
Though we don't share the same blood
You're my brother and I love you that's the truth

We're living different lives
Heaven only knows
If we'll make it back With all our fingers and our toes

5 years, 20 years, come back
It will always be the same

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I would give you my lungs so you could breathe

I've got you brother
I've got you brother

I was dissolve in the song that I got memories of them (real Emilia and andrew) laughing and chatting...they looked so happy like they wished that the moment could stay like this forever but fate is really cruel.......

And if we hit on troubled water
I'll be the one to keep you warm and safe
And we'll be carrying each other
Until we say goodbye on our dying day

Because I've got you brother
I've got you brother
I've got you brother
I've got you brother

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me
And if you were drowned at sea
I would give you my lungs so you could breathe

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

After I finished I took a deep breathe and looked around well to say they were shocked was an understatement....

But still the look on their face is funny dude I-i can't noooo don't...don't laugh "pftttt" okay I finally burst I couldn't hold it in any longer and after that everyone get out of their trance and my brother came towards me and hugged me so tightly that I regret laughing as I was already lacking oxygen due to laughing my ass off and now this....fuck....

"C-c-c-an't.........b-breathe...g-g-get off" I said while trying to push him away.....He finally got off and apologized, "I am sooo happy to see you after so long time....Now look at you" he said while looking me up and down.
I suddenly got nervous that they will not believe me but I soon calmed down.

"Sena so you really are my daughter?" my mother finally spoke which I just realised was here, "yeah mom" and then again I was lacking oxygen due to my parents hugging me as tears running down their eyes, " m-mom....d-dad.....get..o-off" then they also let go off me and apologized...

"Sorry it's just I am so happy" mom said while sobbing.

"Lets go inside and talk" dad said, "yeah, let's go" mom said....

And I looked at the guards and smiled and their faced turned as white as a sheet hahaha lol I can see that finally realised that I am real Emilia well you two are just the starting soon everyone will know that the old Emilia is changed.

Then we went to the dining room but I can see from Andrew's reaction like he still don't believe me (sigh)....

[In living room]

"So Sena how did you become like this?" Dad asked...really do you really have to ask this...fine I will obviously lie hehe....

"I was tired of being called by many name and bullied due to my body structure so I just..just couldn't take it anymore and decided to change myself and did training for few months and here I am" I said with a small smile but also a little fake sad expression to make them believe me.

Mother and father immediately believed me and comforted me but I can see my mom is guilty for not knowing that her daughter was bullied and my brother and dad were so mad that it looked like they will put whole academy on fire and burn it into finer than ash (shiver) their gazes are so deadly so I immediately told that it's ok and I am fine fearing they will really do it, would they?.....but am I really fine? memories which are slowly coming to me is just so painful wait painful is just a simple word it's even worse than that and I can tell it's just a little piece of her memories so I can't imagine if I can even survive from going insane when I will get the all her memories but even now with having just that little piece I wish that I was dead as it would have been better than suffered so much.....

Then my mother broke the awkward silence.

"~Yay my daughter is so cute now~ and now we can go to shopping together like before you stopped visiting us" mom said with a sad smile, " I am sorry and yeah we will now spend as much time we can to make up for the lost time how about it?" Mother immediately brightened and smiled, "That would be great" She said and then me, mom and dad started chatting about random thing and laughing and I am really happy that atleast she had a good family who love her and I will also love them like they are my real parents and protect them no matter what but I can tell brother is still not convinced (sigh) well that's why I am.....

Andrew POV

When she said she is Emilia I couldn't believe I am mad for her to say that she is her no one can take her place...but when she sang that song which we composed together when we were young I started having mixed emotions like one saying she is my lil sis but at the same time other saying she is not her I know its weird but I just can't explain so... for now I just kept quiet and just watched her for now...I feel like I don't know her anymore....lil sis.....

Emilia POV

After that we all got tired and it was already night and we have already finished eating dinner so we all went directly to bed.

But Before going to bed I have to do something really important I know I shouldn't do it but I don't think I can hide it (sigh) you deserve to know it.....

And I wish you understand it and help me_____

Sorry for being so lazy and updating late but I will try to update often ~bye bye~


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