Meeting Family

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I was in a dark long hallway and there was a bunch of meanie girls in front of me and I was again in my fat piggy body but Why can't I say anything and who are these wait I remember them they are the very one who constantly bullies and abuse her aka me and her name is trashein (lol even her name has trash in it hehehe) and her rats but why am I here and what are they going to do with those needle...Wait are....wait nooooo It hurts it hurts it hurts stop iiit why can't my voice come out.....but they are constantly putting needles in both my hands and again remove and poking it in again again inside......noooo it hurts I-I-i can't take all this nooo....please stop it but they didn't stop....

Wait are these her memories and emotions that she felt but even if she is feeling all these but why does she still have that emotionless face just how can you control all these.....huh....but pain only increase and then suddenly someone came and I realized it was a guy with blond hair and eyes but slightly fade blond.....he came and when he saw he shouted at the meanies and when they ran from him then he turned to me but before he can say anything she aka me ran away in that dark hallway more deeper and deeper and his shout faded away behind.......

[After waking up]

'Pant' 'pant' what was was a nightmare
.....wait I-I think what I saw is her memory about which people hurted her and saved her......ok now I clearly know my target and who to spare....

butttt for now lets get ready okk so I heard that there will be holidays for a week so I decided to go home and there is also something I have to do...

[After getting ready]

I checked myself in the mirror and I think this white dress with colorful sleeves, a purple flower choker and a cute dark purple ribbon in the hair matches me and I think I look cute in it hehehe

(Only the dress & accessories and the girl is in media above)

Okk time to go but hey I want to show everyone my new weapons which I crafted with one of my abilities I also casted many spells on it too and now now don't get me wrong this is only for emergencies I mean I can't show everyone my guns everytime now can I and yeah I also learnt how to make guns by using magic only no metal just with mana it was cool when I first wielded it as it was shining....hehehe......

(Only the scythe not the girl)

See I have put many spells like fire, water, air resistance and if I lose it, It will automatically come into my space storage and If I need shield to protect myself it can also work as a shield, I can also use my magic on it like if I want to use electricity with it then my weapon will be surrounding by,right?....,it will always shine and look new and also it can kill any type of opponent even gods well I know how gods right?? well they are immortal but they will feel intense pain with if I use my scythe on them....and its design is also cool..hehe....well lets go don't wanna be late____

I went to get a car and then I used my charms and beauty to get them take me wherever I want and then we speed up to the place where I meaning to go and finally I am here...In front of the mansion or should I say castle its so big....of grand duke and duchess aka my parents...ok lets go......and see........

Went I went to the gate, two guards stopped me and asked....

Guard 1- "Who are you and to whom do you want to meet?"

"I am Emilia Re vendouz and I wanna meet my parents." When I said that they started laughing and said....

Guard 2- "Really you want us to believe you are our young lady...miss we are not that stupid just for your information We have heard that our young lady is fat and ugly so Get lost"

They pushed me and I got really annoyed but controlled my emotions and just then a car stopped in front of the mansion and stepped out of it was a boy who was really handsome who had blue hairs and blue eyes looking bored and wearing a headphone and I immediately realized he is my brother...finally I get to meet him and then the guards immediately opened the door and make way for the boy but I called, "brother" he tuned towards me and said, "who are you??" Of course you wouldn't know I changed so much and said, "brother I am Emilia" he sharpened his gaze at me and said in a irritated voice, "Stop lying understand??" And I then said, "But I am and how about you ask me something only you and me know" he thought for a few minutes and then nodded but then the doors of the mansion opened and stepped out were two people one woman with blue hair and blue eyes and another a man with green eyes and brown hair...hmm which I know are my parents through the memories of this girl...

Dad asked, "Andrew who is she??" And brother replied with a straight face, "She claims that she is my sister" and then both my parents grasp and looked at me more closely, "no way you are not my teady bear" said my mother and then I said, "I am mum and dad and I was just about prove that, right big brother??" He smirked and said, "yeahh" and I think he found something interesting this is fun....

He said, "ok if you are my real young sister then sing that song that only you and me composed when we were younger", but then dad said, "whichever song you mean Andrew but first lets go to the garden we don't want create a ruckus do we??" We all nodded and went to the garden and mum and dad sat down on the huge table filled with many sweets and tea that was already there prepared but brother just stood nearby looking at me....

Hmm that song I remember it from her memories it was a good song then I took a deep breath and everyone looked at me including servants and guards and started......

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see the next chapter to see her family members...

~bye bye~


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