The Notebook Part 2

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~Your POV~

I make my way to class making sure to beat the bell. As the bell rings, I sit down at my desk for the lesson, time passes and the day reaches its end. I start to pack my things when I stop and notice something is missing wait a minute where's my notebook? It's not in my bag! I panic looking frantically around for it but it's nowhere to be found. Think where was the last time I had the thing?! Ah! I know the roof! I make my way to the roof looking everywhere for it but after an hour it was nowhere to be found. It's getting late I'll just look for it tomorrow. So I headed home hoping for the next day to come to find it.

Time skip to tomorrow to some part of the day

I spent half the day thinking about my notebook and where it could be but nothing had led me to find it. Seriously where is it? Maybe I should look in the lost N found. I haven't gone there yet. right after the bell rings, I'll head to where all the teachers are. As I heard the bell ring I went to the teachers' office. When I enter the room I see another student walk out past me. That kid? He has such strange-looking hair. As the student leaves, I make my way to the teacher asking for help "Hello! Um, sorry to bother you teacher but I've seemed to have lost something of mine. Has anyone turned anything as of recently?" "Ah yes! That boy just turned in something it's in that box in the corner over there" the teacher pointed to a box that said 'lost' I thanked the teacher and look through the items. As I look through the items I see a notebook the same as mine. A smile comes across my face thinking I found my notebook until I open the notebook to see the contents. My mood goes down when I see it's just a bunch of regular notes. I look at the teacher disappointed "Sorry it seems like it's not here. I'll be leaving now" I bow at the teacher and then leave the room somberly. Where could it be? I can't believe I lost my notes for my lyrics half of it was already full. I guess I'll have to start from memory.

 ~Author's POV~

As (Y/N) leaves the room the teachers gather up some materials for their next class. One of the teachers picks up a box next to the lost and found and calls out to their coworker "Kuki~Sensei what is this box here for?" the other teacher turns around "Oh that, its for the capsule the teachers set up from last year that we're now burying. We all thought it'd be nice what the next generations of teachers will find amusing from our era" The teacher asks where she might have to put it "Just take it upstairs to the lab room the teachers will wait till the end of the day to barry it". The end of the day came and all of the teachers came by the tree in the courtyard for the lab teacher to come with the capsule. Once the teacher arrive all the staff helped cave the hole in cement before all the teachers left one asked "Do you think that there is someone else who might find this before the teachers?" all of them shrugged as if to say 'who knows'.

Hey uhh so I didn't expect to be gone for this long but you know it happens. I don't know if people have given up on reading or not but hopefully, some had hope. So I'm not sure how many chapters I have to write are left or when it'll all be finished or when the next chapters will be. I do however have an idea at what place in the story it'll all end. I'm thinking somewhere at the end of the war arc with Tsukasa as that deals appropriately with what I have planned for the ending. I feel that I have to finish this fic for my own sake I feel I won't be able to move on and start writing and rewriting original works. I might write more fanfiction in the future after this but probably have them be one-shots as those are easiest to handle. I've been wanting for some time to start my own work but have had the right mindset or the time to do so so hopefully after finishing this story I can move on from here on out. P.S. this flashback is over so the story will progress next chapter.

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