The High School Primate

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~Your POV~

About 6 months have passed since the revival of Taiju. We had finally figured out the formula for the depetrification. Taiju and Senku were finally going out to depetrify Yuzuriha. The only problem I see with that is that she would be possibly naked but something like that hardly matters in the stone world. It was a quiet day for me mainly because Taiju wasn't here, he always was a conversationalist.

It's not like me and Senku never talked he just wouldn't talk a lot. Even when we eat, Senku and I would eat in silence. Not that I mind.

I decided to go to the river and bathe, I wanted to clean off the stench off me before I meet Yuzuriha. I wanted to make a good first impression on her, after all, I won't be the only girl around anymore but I gotta say that having another girl around will be uncomfortable. You'd think having another girl around would be a good thing but I never liked hanging around the same sex. Most girls made me insecure since most girls I knew were prettier than me but I'm sure Yuzuriha is a nice person like Taiju is.

I jump in the river like a madwoman, reenacting a scene from Tarzan (Just try to imagine yourself going 'AyYaya!' or something). I'm enjoying the time I have in the river but decide that it's probably time to get out before the guys come.

I've actually gotten used to the guys running in on me naked from time to time. At first, I was a bit embarrassed but it soon got old and I eventually gave up so much so when Taiju was getting stuff from the river I walked passed him to get my clothes from a tree that was there. Taiju said to stop doing stuff like that saying 'It's not proper' or saying 'You should appreciate yourself more' I did stop eventually though since it was starting to freak out poor Taiju.

I start to get out of the river then suddenly stopped when I heard Taiju and Senku screaming. I look where their voices are coming from. I see that Senku and Taiju weren't alone. I look at this new person I see before me. He looked around my age and had a muscular build with long brown hair and he seemed to be holding a skin. Also, he was naked.

I jumped up and I see the guys looking down at me. I yell out in confusion "Senku who's this?! Another human who broke out by themselves?! Is this Yuzuriha?! Weren't you all supposed to revive her today?! Why does he have that skin with him?! What's his name?! What the hell going-".

I get cut off by Senku "Calm down wild woman we'll tell you everything just put on some clothes first". I look up to the tall naked figure in a panic. He speaks "There's no need for you to worry. I'm not here to hurt you, (Pack of godamn lies but ok) my name's Tsukasa". I repeated his name in question "Tsukasa?".

Tsukasa? Where have I heard that name before? He also looks familiar. Have I seen him before? I take a few steps closer to Tsukasa to get a better look at him then suddenly I feel Senku wrap my cape around me, pulling me towards him. I looked up at him in shock.

Senku gives me a look "You should both cover up before speaking to one other". I then realized that both me and Tsukasa are naked. I reply back to Senku slightly turning red "Y-Your right. I-I'll go back to the base and find something for Tsukasa to wear". I start running back to the base grabbing my clothes but not before looking back at Senku who seemed to be looking at Tsukasa with anger eyes. I wonder did I do something wrong?

Time Skip To The Base

Tsukasa gets settled in his new clothing or his first clothing of the stone age and we finally get a chance to introduce each other. I speak first "Um hello it's nice to meet you my names Y/n. I was the second one to break out of their stone by themselves. I have also been the one who's been with Senku the longest at least in the stone world.".

Tsukasa starts to introduce himself "Hello Y/n as you already know I'm Tsukasa. You're probably wondering how I got out of my shell. Senku actually revived me so I could help them fight off a pack of lions as you can see I got this skin from one of them".

I looked at him totally shocked. Wait he killed a lion?! But how?! And there was a pack of them?! How's that even possible. I quickly turn to Senku and Taiju concerned "Wait are you two hurt?!". I run-up to the two to see if they were okay "We're okay thanks to Tsukasa quick grasp on the situation" Senku replies. I breathe a sigh of relief "Thank god".

I walk towards Tsukasa to go speak to him again. I then remember where I have seen him before "Wait...are you Tsukasa...Tsukasa the high school primate?". He answers back "I am I'm surprised you know after all you don't exactly look Japanese. Actually you mind if I ask why are you here?". I was surprised that Tsukasa could figure out I wasn't exactly Japanese "Well if you want the short term explanation I'm a transfer student from America".

Tsukasa puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with sympathetic eyes "I sorry to hear that. You must miss your home". I look down a bit before answering "Well don't we all". He gives me a reassuring smile "Well you won't have to worry about at least one thing anymore".

I look at Tsukasa confused "What do you mean?". He responds back "Now that I'm here none of you have to worry about the short supplies of food anymore. I'll do all the heavy lifting and hunting for now on". It's sweet that he said he'll help us with food and all...but why did he not just say that'll he'll help me get back home? Or at least say he'll help us bring back humanity. I'm getting a bad feeling from this guy. I hope he won't be a problem.

Hi guys! I wish this could've been longer but I had to reach a deadline. Also, I know that for some reason the reader always has someone catching her naked. I don't know why I write situations like this. It's more like a running gag at this point but don't worry I'm not writing situations like this so some saucy things can happen. I won't be writing lemons because shit like that would be uncomfortable to write for me. Well, thank you so much for your support. I hope my writings getting better.

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