Taiju breaks from his stone walls

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~Your POV~

Senku gave me one of the weirdest expression I've ever seen. Well I did just shout out 'That big oaf' really load so I can't blame him. My face turns completely red from embarrassment "I-I mean! T-That b-boy! He-that day he!" I couldn't get the words out. Senku just started to burst out in a fit of laughter "Bwahaha!!" Tears rolling down his face himself rolling on the ground. I couldn't hide my embarrassment but I did manage to speak again "...Sorry, I just remembered something that's all. It's the last thing I remembered before turning into stone. There was a boy I overheard saying he'd confess his feelings he had for this girl for about 5 years. I watched as he tried to confess his feelings to this girl. I was on the rooftop when this all happened. I got wrapped up in everything else I totally forgot". Senku gets off from the ground, whipping away his tears "Ptha...ha...ha...sorry, sorry that's just too funny the way you reacted. Your a really sensitive person aren't you?". I speak once again "So what if I am! Your the only person around so I'm a little embarrassed that I shouted". Senku finishes his food and starts to walk away "Well, I'll be the only person around for about 3 months so you can shout as much as you want till then. So now that you know why the big oaf will break out of his shell, now are you done asking?". I stand there for a while till Senku goes back to work. I'm still a bit flustered but I feel like I have a good understanding of Senku now. I go back to work thinking these will be some long three months.

Time skip to Three months later

I gather some materials for the day for Senku. It's been three months since I broke out of my stone and within those three months, I've gotten to know Senku a lot more. I've faced some problems during the time I've been with Senku, I often get anxious and really depressed during day. I use to be able to cope with my mental issues by listening to music but since everything has been reset to the stone age I can't exactly pull out my phone and listen to my playlist. I found some alternatives, I started meditating a lot especially near sources of water. Senku suggested I sing or hum during the day to relax when I'm working, sometimes I catch Senku humming along but he claims he's never done such a thing. It's cute sometimes when I catch him humming to the melody. I've told many things to Senku about myself, like why was I in Japan for and why I transferred. I had told him it was a part of a program at my old school. I was in my thrid year of high school in America when a classmate suggested I should sign up for the foreign exchange program since I knew how to speak Japanese. I decided to take the program for a few months.


Senku: So basically you got stuck in Japan.

Y/n: UHG! Yes! And I was in my last week of the program too!

Senku: Gotta blow when all your friends and family are all still in America stuck in stone.

Y/n: It does, well, it's not like I had a lot over there.....I only really had my mom around. I didn't have any friends and my mom and dad got a divorce before I was even born.

Senku: What? You don't have other family members over there?

Y/n: I do...I have aunts and uncles on my dad's side but they basically treat me and my mom like outsiders and my mom's side isn't all that close to her. I do have half-siblings from my dad, he had them from previous marriages before my mom. I have about five half-siblings in total all boys

Senku: Hmmm must be rough. *He says while he's working on one of his experiments*

Y/n: Senku.....am I ever gonna see my mom again....*Senku is silent for a minute then he starts laughing*

Senku: Kukuku of course you are, didn't I say I was gonna depetrify every single human who was turned to stone. We'll get you home but not without your help.

That day Senku had put my mind at ease. He and I developed this strange but great type of relationship. Although we've known each other for a few months now I can't help but feel I've known him my whole life. I don't know what it is but when I'm around Senku something always seems to tug at my heart. Well whatever it's probably nothing.

I was doing my usual work of the day hunting for food gathering up materials for Senku to use when I hear a loud shout "SENKU YOU DID THIS ALL BY YOURSELF?!". I was so startled by the noise that I ended up dropping the things I had in my hands. I look to turn around to see where the shout came from. I see a muscular boy with brown hair and brown eyes standing next to Senku. Wait is that?! My thoughts were interrupted when Senku spoke "I actually had some help with some of it. I broke out of my stone 6 months ago but three months ago someone else broke out of their stone too". Taiju then notices my presence "Senku! Is that a girl! She broke out!" Senku then spoke again "That's what I just said you dumbass and this girl's name is Y/n. There's no need to introduce yourself to her I've already told her about you". I walk up to Taiju and bring out my hand "It's nice to finally meet you Taiju". He took my hand and shook excitedly "I'm so glad we aren't the only ones! Please tell me all about yourself!". Senku turned around to us to give more info about me "She's a foreign exchange from America she's also from our school". Taiju yells out "A FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT FROM AMERICA-" Taiju's mouth is closed shut by Senku who interrupts him "That's what I said, you big oaf". Taiju removes Senku's hand from his mouth and proceeds to speak "Sorry, sorry it's just that's so far away. How is she ever gonna get back home?". I'm touched by how concerned Taiju is for me. I put my hand on his shoulder "It's okay Taiju I already decided that issue would be solved for later. For now, let's just focus on getting civilization how it use to be". Taiju smiles at me and nods, Senku, on the other hand, looks annoyed and breaks my hand away from Taiju's shoulder by getting in between us "There's no time for that. Taiju you'll be helping Y/n with the labor. She's pretty strong but she always overworks herself and she's not always available when she goes off to meditate. You got that big oaf?". Taiju and I are still a little shocked about Senku prying us from each other but Taiju doesn't mind that much anymore and just says "Leave it to me!".

Hi everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter! I know the story might be a little boring so sorry. The romance is gonna be a little slow-paced if you don't mind that. Also, I got my first ever vote! That may not be much to you but to me, it means the world!

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