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~Your POV~

I asked Senku a bit more questions like how he knew 3,700 passed which he answered by saying he counted the whole time which is crazy if you think about it. As it slowly gets darker into the night Senku and I decide to go to sleep and figure out my situation tomorrow.

I wake up to the sound of clicking pots, I get up and rub my eyes and go outside to see what's the noise about. I see Senku and he seems to be working on something. I go up to Senku "Hey Senku? Whatcha doing?". He turns back to answer me "Working on the depetrified formula". Oh, that's right Senku had told me last night that he's been working on a formula for three months now.

I stay there looking at Senku for a while until he speaks up "Are you gonna keep staring at me? Because if you are you should probably cover-up. Remember you still don't have anything on" I look down at myself and realize he was right, I blush in embarrassment and quickly hide in the covers.

Senku sighs he then starts speaking "So I know you're still naked but I'm gonna need your help to get materials for me, like for your clothes. Can you do that for me?" I shake my head in agreement "I use to hunt so I can try to get a skin from an animal to make my clothes". Senku doesn't look so surprised "Kukukuku well no surprise there you look quite athletic and from what you told me from last night you use to go camping".

Senku gives me some tools he made so I could go hunting for the skin while he stays behind preparing some things. I got the vines I used from yesterday to cover the bottom half of my body but had to deal with my bare chest being out. Although being half-naked was uncomfortable for me, nobody else was around to see me. Senku isn't around either so it shouldn't a problem, it was a bit chilly though.

I stopped to crouch down when I spot a creature. I notice it wasn't just some ordinary creature but a lioness. I panicked but realized it was alone. I have killed things bigger in the past and I wouldn't consider myself a 'normal' girl. I was abnormally strong for a girl but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be careful.

I approach the lioness very carefully and strike "Heeergh!" In an instant, I killed the lioness with the spear. I press my hands together thanking the creature for its sacrifice.

I carry the dead creature back to camp. Senku is there who seemed to be making something but he stops what he's doing when he sees me. Senku seemed to be in disbelief. Like who wouldn't be? If some girl you just met killed a lioness you'd be shocked too.

Senku spoke, still a little shocked "Oi, oi, oi, wait a minute. Did you really just kill a lioness? Like I knew you were a bit strong but this is ridiculous! You're even stronger than the big oaf. You don't even have any injuries!". I look back at him strangely "You counted for about 3,700 years. You think I'm ridiculous?".

I sigh and place the lioness down "Look if you're worried about me slitting your throat or something I would relax. I'm not that kind of person besides I'm a pacifist I only use my strength when it's necessary".

Senku looks at me for a bit then turns around and starts cracking his neck "Kukuku, You read me like a book. I'll take your word for it besides you seem like a peaceful type of person so I won't worry" I can't help but feel a little happy that Senku believed me. Most people would think I'm some freaky monster but Senku is different, despite being a logical guy he has this certain kindness to him.

I look at what Senku's making at he seemed to be making some clothes out of linen. I then realized that in the stone ages you could also make clothing out of linen which you get from flat plants "Senku! I totally forgot you could make clothes out of linen! Why didn't you tell me?!" I yell in frustration "Kukuku, sorry but I wanted to know how useful you actually were at hunting but I never thought you'd be this good. My bad" Senku smiles maniacally not seeming apologetic at all.

Senku finishes the piece of clothing which was a long dress with two slits and with long sleeves, it had a similar color to Senku's clothing. I quickly put it on, finishing it off with the lioness skin which I used as a sort of hoody (So if you're not getting the full image, basically the lioness head is on your head and the rest is used as a cape-like Tsukasa's).

Senku looks at me and smiles "Kukuku, now it looks like your really the lioness. Wild woman" I giggle at the little nickname Senku gave me "Pfft, look who's talking mad man" both Senku and I laugh.

Some time past and I was getting a bit hungry "Senkuuu I'm hungry. Should we prepare lunch now". Senku answers me back "Sure but I'm not the greatest cook. Do you know how to cook this lioness?". I haven't had too much lion in the past but I did, in fact, know how to prepare it "Sure I do. I've only cooked it a couple of times but I'm a pretty good cook" Senku looks relieved at the fact I knew how to cook.

I used up most of the lion's meat since we had no way of preserving the meat. I would later that day use the rest of the meat for dinner. Senku and I ate mostly in silence until I decided to break it by starting a conversation (I know gross. I wouldn't personally try to socialize with someone this much) "So-Senku I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now. You keep mentioning this big oaf guy but I don't know who exactly this guy is. Like you must put a lot of trust in this guy if you expect him to break out of his stone and start civilization with you".

Senku puts his food down and looks at me "Well if you must know, his name is Taiju. My friend since childhood. He'd always help me with my experiments although he isn't that smart he's strong but unlike you even if the situation asks for it he'll absolutely never hurt anyone".

Senku looked quite happy talking about his dear friend then I thought how nice it must be to have a friendship like that but I still felt like asking him more "Hey, Senku I still don't know why you think Taiju will break out of his stone so soon. Like, did you estimate the time he may get out?". He gave me one of his signatures laughs ready to speak "Kukuku, nothing would keep that big oaf from confessing his feelings to Yuzuriha". And suddenly I remember something, that day we all turned to stone. I remember that boy who tried so desperately to protect that girl from the light. I spit out my food in realization and shout "THAT BIG OAF!?!".

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