I'll Protect You No Matter What!

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~Your POV~

After I was acquainted with Tsukasa I made my way towards Senku for a proper explanation. Senku drags me somewhere private so we could talk "Okay Senku we're out of cite from Tsukasa. So what happened? I'm still a little confused? He said he killed a lion?".

Senku puts one of his hands on his neck and sighs "When me and Taiju were about to put the formula on Yuzuriha, Taiju stopped me because she'd obviously be naked. We argued a bit until we heard a sound. Turns out it was a lion pack. We tried to run but we knew we couldn't outrun them. Me and Taiju have nowhere left to run but then we see the statue of Tsukasa. Taiju told me he's the primate high schooler so I poured the formula on him. It was a way better option than just dieing then and there. I-".

Senku sighs but continues "I knew he'd be strong but punch a lion to death strong". I look at Senku shocked. I knew he was strong but THAT strong, this could mean trouble. I looked at Senku worried "What are we gonna do if he's not a good person? Or when he doesn't agree with us and we have a dispute?".

Senku looked at me then smiled "Don't worry about that for now. He hasn't done anything yet. I may have a plan if a problem pops up, for now just be cautious. Don't be too suspicious it may cause a problem within the group". Senku tries to reassure me that everything will be fine then he starts to walk away. I grab his hand stopping him, he looks back at me and I give him a worried look "Senku, no matter what happens-if the worst was to accrue I'll be here to protect you and Taiju at all costs". He looks at me a bit surprised but then laughs, he flicks my forehead "Ow". He chuckles a bit before saying something "Idiot don't be doing something unnecessary, okay".

Senku walks away breaking away from my hand I felt a little sad feeling my once warm hand grow cold. I shake off the feeling thinking it's probably nothing. I follow Senku back to the base, Taiju walks up to me curious about what Senku and I discussed "Hey Y/n, what were you and Senku talking about?". I look at Tsukasa in the distance before I respond back to Taiju "Uh nothing much just somethings about Tsukasa, Senku thought I should know". Taiju smiles thinking we probably chatted only good things "Okay well we better get to work. Y/n do you mind showing Tsukasa on what to do for today?".

I look at Taiju hesitantly as much as I didn't trust Tsukasa I knew it would be problematic if I just ignored him, I nodded and made my way towards Tsukasa. Tsukasa turned around facing me or more like towering over me "Y/n, was it? Taiju told me to wait for you here for some instructions". I back away a bit before answering "Uh yes. You see I'm the one who's usually hunting for food for the group, Taiju's the one who usually helps me out with the heavy lifting and looks for stuff for Senku and helps him out the most with his experiments. I mostly help Senku out with the clay stuff and I do most of the cooking. Tsukasa you'll be helping me gather wood and food and water. You know the heavy grinding work. I also want you to help me collecting herbs, berries and mushrooms, I'll show you what foods are good to eat and what's not. Any questions?".

Tsukasa shook his head "No, not really although" Tsukasa paused for a minute but continues what he was saying "I am a bit surprised that you do most of the heavy lifting, I'd assume it be Taiju no offense you do look athletic and all but you're still you know...a girl". I wasn't really offended by Tsukasa like I'm aware that most women aren't as strong as men are and it does seem like it would be perfectly logical for Taiju to do the heavy lifting but I wasn't built like most girls. I was born abnormally stronger than most boys growing up "It's alright Tsukasa I get it, I'd think the same thing if I were you. I'm a special case kind of girl. I don't know why I grew up stronger than most girls and boys I didn't really know until someone pointed it out to me.".

Tsukasa chuckled and gave me a tender smile "Well at least I know who killed that lioness you're wearing right now". I looked at my shoulders and then to Tsukasa, I was a bit worried I felt like exposing myself to be this strong ape girl wasn't a good idea for the long run. The rest of the evening I tried my best to be attentive to Tsukasa at the same time I tried my best not to talk too much to him. I start humming to get my mind off things but then I'm interrupted by Tsukasa "What's that melody?". I look at him strangely "Nothing much just something I came up with". Tsukasa responds back rather happy "Oh really? Do you always hum?". I stop to get something from the ground and answer back "Ya actually I do. I have really bad anxiety. I get really depressed sometimes so humming helps since I don't have my phone anymore to listen to music".

Tsukasa now's very pleased that I actually got around to talk to him. Maybe I'm being a bit too harsh on him, after all, I just met him today I should lay off. I start prepping for dinner for everyone, Taiju offers to help me and I let him. I look over to Taiju, it may be hard to tell but he looked kind of down so I decided to ask him what's wrong "Hey Taiju you good? You've been looking kind of down".

Taiju's a little shocked by the question but then starts shaking his hand "N-No Y/n! It's nothing really I'm fine!-". Senku interrupts Taiju "He's probably bummed that we couldn't revive Yuzuriha this time around". I suddenly realized that Yuzuriha was originally supposed to be the one revived that's the whole reason they were out in the first place "Aw I'm sorry Taiju I know you wanted to revive your girlfriend really bad".

He sighs "I know-" Taiju stops and starts to blush madly. Senku and I give him a mischievous smile and start to laugh "Pffhahaha!". Taiju shakes his hands in embarrassment "She's not my-at least not ye-I mean she's just my friend now-!". He could barely finish his sentence which only made me and Senku laugh even more. It went like that for a while until Tsukasa came towards us and interrupted. Everything went quite including Taiju, Senku didn't seem to like Tsukasa all that much maybe because of him just being cautious or something else. I'm beginning to feel a bit bad for Tsukasa, yeah we have good reasons to be wary of him but this feels a bit too much. I decided to sit next to Tsukasa for dinner to start a conversation since nobody seemed to be. I could almost feel Senku staring at us annoyed.......or maybe it was only my eyes playing tricks.

Hey everybody! It's been a week since I last updated but I'm back. I've really busy with school and assignments recently and still am so I'm probably only gonna post 2 chapters per week now. Also, I'll be making something editorial changes to one of the chapters like with Y/n's age since I found out Senku might have been 15 or 16 at the start of the story because currently in the story or the manga he's 19. At least 3 years and a half have passed in the story so that's why I think his age is still highly debated. Well anyways thank you for reading!

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