Chapter 1

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        I had always said that I will protect my family no matter what. Were my words true? I wasn't sure if they were true or not. Once I had found out that I was gonna be a big sister, I was truly happy. That might have been the only and last time that I will be happy.

Hoshiko was reading her book on one of the chairs of the guild near the bar. Mom and Dad were off talking with their friends and Jun was joining them as well. I looked around the guild. Everyone was either having fun, talking, drinking, or were just fighting until their bodies couldn't take it anymore. The guild wasn't always like this. Our previous master would always punish us and throw us out. He hated kids. He had though that they were just in the way of everything. Man, I felt sorry for that loser, because all of us decided that we wanted a new master and kicked him out instead. It's funny how a guild can agree on something, even though they fight all the time. 

I sat in a chair next to Hoshiko. She didn't bother to look up, she was too into that book of hers. 

" Want anything to drink Ellen?" The bartender, Jenny asked. I wanted to grow up just like Jenny. She had slightly curly brown hair and blue eyes. She always wore a dress of some kind. Unlike me, who had straight black hair and dark brown eyes. I always wore some kind of t-shirt and shorts. 

I shook my head. 

" No thanks. Things have really changed here ever since we got a new master huh?" Jenny nodded. 

" I remember coming here with my parents when I was younger. I didn't want to go because the master had made the kids clean everything while the adults either were drinking or going on jobs. Either way it sucked badly." 

" So this is like a new start for you then?" 
" Yep, a new fresh start and lots of adventures to happen once I get myself a job," she said while stretching. I forgot to mention this, but Jenny can paper magic, which is quite unique. 

" Are you gonna get yourself a job Ellen? You're eight and you should have gone on your first job already." I shook  my head. 

" Mom and Dad don't want to me to go on one just yet. Though, they said I can go on my first one once I'm ten. And that's two years away!" I cheered. Jenny smiled. 

" What magic do you want to use Ellen?" 
" I want to learn strong magic, where I can defeat my enemies in a single shot."

" There's no such magic that can do that!" Hoshiko said, putting down her book.

" Yes there is. Also how would you know?! All you do is read all the time!"

" I read to learn something new everyday. You learn to have a stupid dream." 

" But dreams are part of everyday life! You can't hate dreams." Hoshiko nodded. I sighed and ditched the topic. She can be a real pain when she wants to. 

" Ellen! Can you go back home for something real quick please?!" 

" Sure Mom!" 
" I'll come too!" Hoshiko said.

" Me too!" Jun came over to us, smiling.
" Alright, let's go!" The three of us ran out of the guild, racing each other to see who could win.

" I win!" Jun shouted as he reached the house and touched to door. Hoshiko put her hands on her knees, trying to regain her strength.

" By the way, did Mom ever tell you what you need?" Jun asked. I shook my head, though I have guessed it had to do with her lucky bracelet that her mother had given her. I opened the door to our house and quickly ran to my parent's room. On the bed, was mom's lucky bracelet. I then grabbed it and rushed outside, where Jun and Hoshiko were waiting for me. 

" Le-" A explosion then happened, causing the three of us to fall to the ground. 

" What was that?!" Hoshiko shouted. I looked up, seeing that it was at the guild that it had happened. 

" The guild is in trouble! We're under attack!' I shouted as I ran to the guild, with Hoshiko and Jun running close behind me. These are the times when people must fight in order to protect their loved ones. Even though we may not have any magic, we can still try and defeat these guys. Once we got to the guild, I stopped in my tracks. There were a lot of people on the ground, dying from blood loss. Was this a dream or something? This couldn't be real. I looked around for Mom and Dad and finally found them, but they were already dead. Mom's red hair had been stained with her blood and Dad had layed next to her with his head on her stomach. Hoshiko held onto me tightly as she cried. 

Jun was like me. He couldn't move and was frozen in one spot. I then grabbed his hand. 

" Jun....we need to fast as we can!" I grabbed the both of them and made our way to forest. We didn't stop. We didn't look back. We didn't want to see our friends laying on the floor die and with their blood forming a pool around them. We feet then started to ache and then we couldn't run anymore. We stopped and rest. Hoshiko then started to cry again. 

" What will happen now? Mommy and Daddy are gone." 
" Yea, what is you're decision Ellen?" I thought for a moment. There wasn't anything much we could do. I was sure that the town had been burned down and hardly anyone was alive. Kids would become orphans and had no one to protect them. I then looked at both Jun and Hoshiko.

" We need to find shelter in the next town. And then we will decide from there." 

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