Chapter 10

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Fairy Tail: Main Theme

When I arrived in the guild, I immediately went to the bar and asked Mirajane for some coffee. The guild was basically empty, with no one in sight yet.

" Why do you want some coffee?" she asked. " You seem too young."

" I didn't get enough sleep last night," I said. I watched her as she brewed some coffee.
" Did you have a nightmare?" I nodded.

" I don't know what it was, but something had called out my name." Mirajane glanced at me over her shoulder with slight confusion appearing on her face. I shook my head quickly. She must have thought that I was going crazy just by saying something like this.

Mirajane touched my forehead. " It doesn't seem like you have a fever."

I shook my head. " Just tired." When the coffee was finished, she handed it to me. The cup was steaming hot when I tried to pick it up.

" Damn, it burns," I muttered. Mirajane giggled.

" I just finished it. Give it some time to cool down," she said. The guild was then interrupted with the sound of Ryuu challenging someone to fight. I sighed.

" Man, this idiot doesn't know when it give up." Hikari then had sat in the seat next to me.

" That's Ryuu Dragneel alright. The boy who is just like his father. Who loves to fight with everyone, even his own sister."

I chuckled nervously. " That must be kind of tough." Hikari sighed.

" It is. What's up with you?" she asked. " You look tired and worn out."

" I had a nightmare last night," I said. I drank some of the coffee. It was warm and smooth. I don't remember when I had coffee like this.

" What kind of nightmare?" she asked. " Did you stay up all night thinking about it? You do look like a worn out zombie."

" Someone was calling my name," I said. " I don't know what it was, but I want to find out what the hell it meant."

" Someone was calling your name?" Hikari repeated. " Did the voice sound familiar to you?" I shook my head.

" Nothing of the sort, but I guess I would have to find out sometime."


Ryuu had punched his fist into the palm of his hand. " Alright then! I can't wait to finish this!" Ryuu had dragged Hikari and I to another job that was in a nearby town. I was still worn out from last night, but I had pulled myself along.

" What is the main thing of this job again?" Hikari asked. Ryuu glanced back at the paper.

" Um, we're suppose to be helping someone that lives deeper in the forest that's around the town." I sighed.

" This is gonna be another job where leaves and dirt end up in my hair." Hikari grinned.

" Come on and let's get this over with," I said as I walked ahead of the both of them. They followed close behind me. We walked into the deep forest. The lighting disappeared as the forest became darker. 

" Are you sure we're at the right place?" Hikari asked Ryuu. He looked over the paper once again before nodding. 

" We're in the right place. Maybe we need to walk a little more into the forest." He pointed in front of him. " Look, I can see a hut or something. Come on!" Both him and Hikari ran ahead without me. Within seconds, I lost track of them. 

" Hikari! Ryuu!" I called, but all I heard was an echo. I walked the way we were suppose to go. Hopefully, I would find them. 

" We meet again." I looked around the forest to find no one, but that voice sounded familiar. I looked to find the source right in front of me. I gasped and fell back. They laughed. 

"I'm excited that we get to meet outside your dream." I looked up to see a girl, about Hoshiko's age. Her jet black hair had framed her face perfectly.

" Y-you again," I muttered. " But you look different this time. Why did you show up in front of me?" 
She laughed like a little kid. " I wanted to see the reaction I get, and I have to say it was funny." 

I mocked her laughter. She reminded me of a younger me. Now I know how my parents must have felt.

" Remember what I said earlier?" she asked.

I nodded. " Yeah, honestly, you give me nightmares." 

" But there is something else I have to tell you." 

I frowned. " What could it be this time? Are you going to mock me? Or perhaps give me some more nightmares?" 

She smiled. " You're making a big mistake," she said. 

" What do you mean? What mistake have I made?" 

She patted her back. " Your fairy tail guild mark. You're only gonna hurt the ones who are protecting you." She twirled around, her hair flowing. " Make sure you watch those two, or their death would be your fault." 

I stood up quickly and tried to grab her, but her image was replaced with Hikari's. She cried out as I held her wrist tightly. 

" Hikari, I'm sorry," I said as I let go. There was a red circle around her wrist. She rubbed it and shook her head. 

" No, don't worry about it. Ryuu delivered what we needed to the owner and we got some money. We should head back to the guild now." I nodded. Her voice changed as she talked. She seemed hurt, but confuse as well. 

As we walked back, she didn't mention it to Ryuu, which I should be grateful for. Though, Natsu and Lucy might ask their daughter about the strange red mark on her wrist. I tried not to think about it after that, for we had reached the guild already. 

Ryuu kicked open the doors. " We're back!" he shouted. Everyone had greeted us. Satu ran towards Hikari gave her a big hug. 

" Welcme bck!" she said. I smiled. It was sweet that she tried to welcome us back. I walked over to the bar and sat down, sighing. 

" How was the job Ellen?" Mirajane asked as she cleaned a glass. 

" It went well," I answered. " But, you remember those dreams I was having the night before? I met the person who was speaking in my dreams." 

Mirajane put down the glass. " Are you sure? What did they say?" I put my face in my hands. 

" She talked about how I would betray you guys," I answered. " I would never do something like that." 

" We know Ellen. Don't worry, I'll ask the master about this and we can solve it from there." I nodded. If I ever needed advice, I can always count on Mirajane.

" Someone has been talking about you?" Next to me, Masami jumped onto the stool and crossed her legs. " Can't say I wasn't expecting something like this to happen."

" Masami," Mirajane said. " Stop it, or I'll talk to your father about your manners to your friends." Masami rolled her eyes at her mother. Did her rebellious stage come early? 

" Dad can't really do anything unlike you Mom," she said. " Both of you have demon abilities, but it doesn't really scare me. Toshiko is always an option." 

I frowned. She really sold out her sister right there. As Mirajane left, Masami turned to me. " Like I said, I knew something like this would happen. You came from the guild that was burned down by a different guild. If something like that happens to Fairy Tail, I wouldn't forgive you." She jumped off the chair and back to the others. 

Masami was really Mirajane's daughter, that's one thing I can be sure of. 

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