Chapter 11

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I couldn't get any sleep at all that night. I turned in my sheets, the sweat forming on my forehead. I kept having the same nightmare with that girl, but she showed me something more. She showed me standing in the guild hall, but I wasn't alone. There was blood and corpses scattered all over the ground. As I looked at my hands, I realized that there was blood dripping. 

I had killed them all. 

That was when I woke up in my bed, my body getting warmer. I never shook off that dream. It bounced around in my mind everyday, almost like it would happen some day. 

When I went to the guild, I avoided the younger kids. In the dream, they were the first ones killed. I sat at the stool by the bar, where Mirajane was with Toshiko. As she finished her drink, Toshiko smiled at me. 

" What's the matter Ellen?" she asked. I sighed and put my face in my hands. I couldn't talk to anyone right now. 

" Toshiko-nee!" I heard Emma call. " Come on, we're gonna to the park!" 

" The park? Why?" I heard Masami chuckle. 

" Ryuu wanted me to kick his ass once again!" 

" Shut up! I wanted to settle this once and for all!" I groaned. Yeah, and once he loses again, he's gonna want to challenge her once more. Nothing changes with this boy. 

I heard Toshiko jump off the chair and ran out of the guild. 
" Wait Toshiko, you left-!" Mirajane called, but Toshiko was already gone. She sighed. 

" I can't believe she forgot." I brought my face up. 
" What did she forget?" I asked. 

" She wanted to help me with the bar today. She said that she would serve, and now she went to go watch a fight." 

" I could help you if you want," I volunteered. 

" No, I couldn't ask you to do such a thing. Anyway, what's happening with you? Are you nightmares getting worse." 

Mirajane was the only one who knew about my nightmares, but I haven't told her about what happens. That I kept to myself. 

" They have," I answered. " I don't know what's wrong with me. Unless something is trying to reach out to me, then I guess I should listen to it and see what's the truth behind such a thing." 

" That might be the best thing. Though, you never told me what exactely happened in your nightmare. Would you tell me?" she asked, as she put her hands on the counter. I shook my head. That would make everyone watch out for me. They probably won't even let me play with the younger kids, afraid I might kill them. 

" It's too much to explain," I finally answered. " Something isn't right and I have to get to the bottom of it." 

Mirajane nodded. " I see. Well, go watch the battle before it's over. I know I was entertained when I was younger." 

" You were like Masami, Mirajane?" 

She nodded. " I used to tell her such stories." She giggled. " And now she's taking a liking into them." 

I rolled my eyes. Maybe too much of a liking. I listened to Mirajane's offer and went to the park to watch the fight. 


Once I arrived, I caught a glimpse of Masami throwing Ryuu into a tree trunk. I cringed. That had to hurt. Hikari then turned around with a smile on her face. 

" Ellen, you made it!" she exclaimed. I nodded and walked over to them. 

" Mirajane suggested that I do." 

" Mother did?" Toshiko questioned. 

" Yeah, she also said that you're suppose to help her today with serving," I reminded her. It took a minute, but Toshiko then gasped. 

" You're right! I have to help Mother!" She started to run off. " Thank you for reminding me!" she called behind her shoulder. I smiled. 

" So, how is the fight? Is it worth staying?" I asked Hikari.

" Ryuu is losing once again," she admitted. After a while, Ryuu finally fell over in defeat. Masami laughed. 

" I told you that you couldn't beat me! You couldn't even land a single hit on me," she teased. I sighed. Masami sure was confident about her abilities, that for sure. As Ryuu fell over once again, she walked off along with everyone else. Hikari stayed back and helped her brother up. 

" Are you okay?" she asked. 
" I'm going to kick that Masami's ass," he muttered. I sighed. 

" Yeah, just make sure to land a hit on her first. She didn't move at all from where she was standing." 

" That's Mirajane's daughter for ya. I've seen Mirajane in a fight, and it was cool! She won without a single scratch on her!" 

I smiled. She might have been exaggerating a little bit. Even though Hikari is young, it did seem like Mirajane would win without a scratch, but it was impossible. 

" Hey, we should head back," I said. Both Hikari and Ryuu nodded and together we walked back to the guild. 


Christmas time came around faster than I thought. Next thing I knew, the guild was covered in decorations. The younger kids helped mostly, but I did hang up some things. Hikari came over to me and handed me a snowman. 

" Can you hang this up with your paper magic?" she asked. She then pointed to the top of the board.
" I couldn't reach it, so I hoped you would be able to do it." 

I nodded and took it from her. It seemed thick enough to stay on. I attached my paper to the string and threw it above the board. It was a perfect hit. 

" Thank you!" she said. I smiled as she walked off. She skipped happily. It was around this time of year that everyone at my other guild that they would get out of control. Hoshiko and Jun would bake cookies for the guild and hand it out to everyone during Christmas. It was really fun at such a time, especially when we traded presents as well-. 

Why was I thinking about them so freely? I had I forgotten what happened? I shook my head to knock the memory out. I didn't want to think about such a thing. I then remembered my goal: to get stronger in order to find Hoshiko. 

Why was I at this guild in the first place? I looked around me as the children and the parents gathered around for a story. I scoffed. I was losing my touch. 

" Ellen, come on!" Hikari called. " Mom is gonna read us a story!" I shook my head and went back to my spot where I first sat when I came to the guild; in the corner of the room. They looked at me with worry in their eyes, but they listened to Lucy's story instead. They kept their eye on me as they listened.

I bit my lip. I have to think. I can't be sitting here until I think it's time to leave. That nightmare also works with me leaving. I can't tell them anything. All I have to do is leave, and that's what I'll do tonight.


After the party, I packed my things at Fairy Hills and turned off the light to my room. It might be the last time I would be seeing this place. I gulped and put my hand in my pocket, making sure that my money was still there for the train ride. I also left a note for them, but I doubt that they would come here. 

I sighed and closed the door. 

I was finally leaving.  

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