Chapter 12

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Hikari's P.O.V

Alright, something wasn't right. Ellen didn't show up to the guild early like she usually does. When we came this morning, she wasn't sitting in her usual corner, acting moody. It seemed that the adults noticed that she was gone as well, and sent Aunt Erza to check on her. 

" What's happening?" Ryuu asked, with his mouth full of food. 

" Ellen is not here," I answered. " According to the adults, she hasn't been here since this morning." 

" Maybe she just went out for a walk," he said, continuing to stuff his face with more food. Honestly, he resembles Dad. 

" For the entire morning?" I asked him. 

I looked down at my food and sighed. " Do you think they'll be able to find her. I mean, they said that she left no evidence about her leaving. So? What do you think Ryuu?" 

" I think that she's fine." 

" Then you haven't heard the whole story." 

 I turned to find Masami with her arms crossed above her chest.  " I heard that Ellen disappeared and isn't coming back to the guild." 

" You're lying. Ellen wouldn't just get up and leave like that." 

Masami nodded as she took a seat next to me. " She would. You don't know her that well enough. It doesn't matter that she's only been here for a year." 

" But...Ellen wouldn't." 

" Give up on her already would ya. Ellen isn't coming back, and that's it." 

Ellen's P.O.V

  I don't know how long I've been walking for, but my ankles started to ache. I was probably far enough from Fairy Tail already, but everyone might start looking for me. I couldn't help but start feel sad. I had found friends that I could trust, but this damn dream made me think that I could end up killing them all. 

 As I continued walking, I ended up walking into another town. The people seemed kind, but they didn't care about a little girl like me walking around, with possible wounds on her body. As I eyed someone, they had glared at me with disgust. This town was not friendly at all. 

" Do you see that little girl over there?" 

I looked over to find two teenagers with amused looks on their faces. What was there problem? 

" What's with her? Such a crud look on her face. I wonder if she's actually a guy," one of them said. They then laughed once they saw the look on my face. 

" Maybe so. What should we do with her? I mean, she's glaring at us." 

What made the two of them idiots was that I was near them as they talked about me. I frowned at the two of them. 

" What is your problem?" I asked. 

They both flinched as I spoke. 

" So it's actually a girl," one of them said. 

The other teenager looked at me closely before elbowing the other one, signaling that they have to leave. As they left, I raised an eyebrow in confusion. Why did they suddenly leave like that? Had my appearance scared them, or did they know me? Either way, they were idiots. 

There was then cheering in the middle of the town. When I looked over, I found some people walking in the middle as the town people cheered with delight. 

" They're back!" 

" Our most powerful guild!" 

Most powerful guild? I had always thought Fairy Tail was the powerful one around this area. As I thinking, one the members looked my way and smiled. Something was right about this town. I had to get out of here as fast as I can. 

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