December 18th - Part 3

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Erik sat back and observed DeeDee as she finished her gumbo. She wiped her mouth with a napkin. They shared a smile. When it was genuine, it reached to the eyes and lifted their full cheeks. When she looked over at him, he saw the same big bright eyes behind her glasses that he always saw when looking at Miss Carrie.

He could see the familial resemblance between them now. And after seeing Miss Carrie after so many years, he could see exactly what DeeDee would look like in about 50 years. He smiled at the thought of waking up to an aged like fine wine DeeDee.

"What?" DeeDee asked.

"Huh, oh. It's nothing." Erik took a sip of his drink.

"Not true. You have been staring at me for the last five minutes."

"Ok, you caught me. I was just noticing how much you look like Miss Carrie." He set his drink down. "I don't think I would have ever put that together."

"Oh yeah, she's my twin. Or so I'm told." DeeDee shrugged, "I just see Mama so I don't pay it much attention."

"Girl, you gonna stop downplaying what I passed on to you." Miss Carrie said as she dropped off two more plates. She looked at Erik. "You still like Red Velvet?"

"Yes ma'am- Miss Carrie. You would swear I still come in here every week? How do you do that?" He pulled the plate with the red velvet cake towards him.

"There are just some people and things you remember, baby." She collected their bowls, "You need anything else?"

"I think we are good Mama." DeeDee glanced at Erik who was already shoveling bites of cake into his mouth, "Maybe one to go?"

"Sure thing, suga. I'll leave it in the kitchen, you can pick it up when you leave."

Miss Carrie left the table and DeeDee reached for her piece of 7-up pound cake. Her hand met Erik's as she tugged the plate towards her.

"Excuse me. You have your dessert." She smacked his hand, "This one is mine."

"But, I want to try some."

"Then you could ask politely."

"May I have a bite?"

DeeDee eyed him.


"Nah, you good with your cake. You don't need any more."

"Come on, Dr. DeeDee. Please." Erik pouted.

"Don't you dare."

"You gonna deprive me of some cake?"

DeeDee covered her mouth to try and stifle her giggle. Erik noticed her movements.

"Oh, you are nasty, Miss DeeDee." He brushed her hand away from the plate, "I was only talking about what is on this table."

DeeDee grabbed her cup.

Erik took his fork and cut into her piece of cake. He savored the bite, then moaned as he swallowed. "But if you are as sweet as this, then I mean I want a bite of that as well."

DeeDee choked on her iced tea.

"You good?" Erik patted her on the back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen."

DeeDee held her hand up as she tried to get her breathing under control. It took a few moments and a short coughing fit, but she was ok. She picked up her fork and jabbed him in the hand.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"You know what that was for?" She lowered her voice, "I can't believe you said that."

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