chapter five

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Draco watched with puzzlement as Luna skips throughout the Great Hall, talking to anyone who will listen, but getting laughed at by all of them. Is she telling an odd joke? What is it? It's always something weird with her, Draco muses. Always something new and weird. He wouldn't be surprised if she was talking about her newest made-up monster.

But there is something different about this chatting, he notes. She walks with a large sense of urgency. She talks to teachers, even, which she had never done with other creatures outside of class.

She is an odd girl, but this is strange, even for her.

What is she talking about that is so important? Draco ponders, accidentally ignoring his boyfriend who is trying to get his attention. Harry pouts, but Draco does not see it, as his eyes are focused on the fairy-like girl as she prances around the Great Hall, spreading whatever message she is to spread.

Draco was not particularly interested in Luna, he never had been. He was more just particularly disinterested in the conversation at the Gryffindor table, which was discussing the latest love scandal between the Golden Boy and an ex-Death Eater. Draco was NOT in the mood. Ignoring it was easier, even if Harry did not want him too.

Luna hadn't done anything out of the ordinary since her little outburst at the infirmary. She'd been very quiet about the whole business, avoiding Harry instead of confronting him. This was the biggest and most conspicuous thing she had done in a while, and Draco was just brimming with questions. He wondered, idly, if whatever Luna was saying had to do with her theory about Harry.

This speculation was proven further correct when Luna's insistences died by quite a lot when she reached the Gryffindor table. Before, she had told every last person at each table, not missing a soul with her glorious news. But at the Gryffindor table, she seemed to pick and choose she she told. Draco eyed in on who she skipped over.

Ginny, who was sitting as far away from Harry as possible (she did not want much to do with him at the moment, which Draco found understandable), was skipped over, as well as Dean and Seamus. The section where Draco and Harry sat was avoided altogether, Draco noted.

Draco nodded to himself, putting things together. Luna was telling people that Harry was not Harry, was the likely truth. But why now, Draco wondered. What changed? She had said nothing to anyone regarding this news before, so something must have changed, a new piece of evidence? Draco, disgustingly, found himself genuinely interested in what Looney had to say for the first time.

Draco supposed it would be rather hard to get Luna to spill to him when she was avoiding anyone with strong relation to Harry, but he guessed that she might call them over later, when talking to Harry is not as such easy access.

His suspicions were proven correct.

Luna grabbed him by the arm (he had been vaguely aware of her following him to Transfiguration, a class he did not share with Harry) and cast a disillusionment charm over them, as well as a notice-me-not charm.

She spoke quietly, quickly, and with a tone of voice that projected she strongly believed what she was saying. "Harry is not Harry," she said. Draco was not surprised by this statement, but was surprised by the next: "He's Jackson. He's taken over his body."

Draco raised an eyebrow, even though she could not see it. "And your evidence is?"

"He told me."

Draco had not expected that.

"But that's impossible," Draco insisted, "Jackson died, remember?"

"He must be pocessing him or something," Luna replied, "I don't know, exactly."

"And he has all Harry's memories how?" Draco scoffed, then continued, not giving her time to answer, "Why would he tell you this?"

"He knew no one would believe me," she said simply. "Just think about it, okay? And if you decide to believe me, come and find me. I'm setting up a petition to try and get professionals look into it."

Draco, though not convinced, agreed.

The words, though he denied Luna's message, haunted him. He had noted that Harry was acting slightly off, that much was true, but to believe that he was being taken over by a different person entirely? That just seemed absurd.

Absurd, he called it, but his mind still played with the possibilities.

What if? it persisted, and Draco did not have an answer for that.


Life greets their sister kindly, warmth evident in his movements. She is in a talk with a former mortal, who she dismisses once she spots her sibling. "There are certain matters we need to discuss," they said.

Hope tipped her head at them, an invitation to sit. She looks quite different from her sibling. She is a tall woman, her body made soley of twisted vines with the occasional flower. She does not have eyes; holes filled with small galaxies replacing them.

Life sits. "You need to give Harry back his body," they say bluntly. "Or at least not let Jackson and Voldemort continue using it."

"'Nd why," she asks, a twinkle of mischief in her voice, "would I ever do that?"

"Humanity is surely doomed if things continue as they are," Life argues, "Surely, you know this as well as I, sister."

Hope hums. "I suppose I could provide the world a dash of my wonderful hope," she mumbles, "But should I, is the better question? What do I get in return?"

Life scoffs. "If you are worried about entertainment, worry not. It will still be interesting, dear."

"Oh, I'm sure," Hope says, her voice leaking sarcasm. "But I have a better idea. Harry will get his body back—"

Life brighten, "I am grateful you see reason—"

"You did not met me finish," she snapped. "Harry will get his body back, but Jackson and Voldemort would remain."

Life sighed. They should have expected this, knowing her. Finally they say, their voice both hopeful and dejected: "It is better than nothing."

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