chapter eleven

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"Listen up fuckers," Blaise said, standing in front of the library table their group occupied. "I have some great news."

Draco raised an eyebrow. Pansy, who sat beside him, squealed. "Yes, yes, what's the tea?" she prompts.

"I may have mentioned in passing a personal research project that could help out predicament regarding Harry—"

"You never shut up about it—" Pansy interjects.

"—ANYWAY. I am happy to conclude that the route I have selected has the capability to be what we need."

"I'm interested," Luna says idly. "What is this 'route'?"

"People, when in their Animagus form, are unable to do any magic, excluding the ability to turn themselves back into a human." Blaise says. He lays a number of notes on the table— but they are illegible, so if he was trying to prove something he had failed miserably. "Animaguses retain their mind, but can't do magic. Sounds perfect for a certain someone, yes? Jackson won't be nearly as bad as a threat if he can't do magic. He'll still be able to give info to Voldy, but I'm sure we can arrange something—"

"This is great and all," Draco interrupts, "But as far as I'm aware, Animaguses can go in and out of their form at will. He'll just change himself back."

"That's where my branch of independent study comes in!" Blaise grins. "If we come up with a potion, or a spell, or something, that locks people into their animal form, then that would solve the bulk of our problems regarding Jackson."

"I'm not sure such a thing exists," Luna says.

"It doesn't," he confirms. "Not yet. But I'm certain it has the capability to be created. Kinda wish the mudblood was still alive– she'd have a knack for this kind of stuff. I wonder if she'd looked into it before."

Pansy clapped her hands. "Oh, this is all so exciting! I'm on board."

"Me as well," Luna says.

Draco huffed. "Well, I'm certainly not. Harry and I wouldn't be able to—" he stops himself, and instead says, "... talk. He'd be no better than an animal!'

"Actually," Luna says, "he'd still have the mind of a human, so you guys could come up with some sort of code to communicate. Maybe an Ouija board.." she taps her chin in thought.

"It'd be like locking him in a prison," Draco argues, "He'd be stuck with two dumbasses for the rest of his life! It just doesn't seem fair to-" me, "-Harry."

Blaise laughs. "Well, Harry will be the judge of that, then. And something tells me he'll be completely on board."

"He will be," Luna confirms, certianty in her voice.

Draco scowled. He decided then that he'd have a talk with Harry even if they weren't on the best of terms then, because he would NOT settle for an animal boyfriend. Because one; EW and two; no.

Later, he assured himself. He'll talk with him later. Currently, he had a meeting to get through.

"What do you think his Animagus form might be?" Pansy says, thinking out loud. "Maybe a cockroach. The bitch just keeps coming back."

"A raven?" Draco suggested.

"He's not smart enough for that," Blaise argued, and Draco found that to be the truth.

Luna, who had a very deep in thought kind of look on her face, suddenly said; "It could be either a pigeon or a dove."

"What makes you say that?" Pansy questioned. She sounded unconvinced, but Draco had noted the girl's strange ability to know things she shouldn't, and was more willing to believe her.

"The Quizbits told me," she said simply, and no one knew quite how to reply to that.

"Wait, guys," Draco said, "even if Harry agrees to your dumb idea, how in the world is it going to work with Jackson fighting againist him all the time? He has to keep a fucking leaf under his tongue for a month. Jackson would, and this is just a guess, not agree with it?"

"We'll use a sticking charm," Luan answered, "It will work."

Draco glared at her and resigned himself to talking to Harry (who he was still mad at), if it be the only way to stop this madness.

(That meeting was only a distant reminder for Luna that she was Odd, and Different from everyone else, because she knew things they didn't and saw things they didn't and she couldn't fight the feeling that she was ever so freakish.

Luna decided she didn't like their meetings much.)


"Draco, I'm..." Harry muttered, fighting to stay in control. Come on, he scolded himself, we just need like two minutes, come on. "I'm sorry for s-saying all that stuff earlier. I promise I won't, like, kill myself, to help everyone else, if you promise to keep talking to me."

Draco almost laughed and almost cried, but decided on neither. It was not exactly the apology he expected (it was debatable whether or not an apology was needed at all; Harry was just wanted to do the right thing, as always) but it was an acceptable apology nonetheless. Draco smiled at Harry. "I accept your terms, scar-face."

Harry laughed, pulling Draco in for a kiss.

Draco thought that the feelings in his gut (and heart) were remarkably Hufflepuff of him, so unbecoming of a Slytherin, but told himself, for the first time in his life: It's okay to act Hufflepuffy sometimes.

As they broke off the kiss, seperating and going their different ways, back to different houses, and different internal battles, Draco found himself wondering how Harry Potter, of all people, was the person to make him disregard the house feuds he'd held so close to his heart for years on end. Maybe it was the fact that something else (someone else) had taken their place, but who's to say.

It completely slipped his mind, with all these apologises and simply brilliant kisses, to ask Harry not to agree to Blaise's bizzare plan, but Draco finds he does not mind.

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