chapter eighteen

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Voldemort enters his dreamland to see an oddity.

"Jackson," he says, "Where is my other self?"

And Jackson shrugs-- an easy, casual gesture that's trying it's best not to seem deceitful but definitely is. "Must be worn thin. He's resting tonight," he lies because 'resting' is in no way capacity able with 'incarserated by Harry.'

If, perhaps, Voldemort had been more aware of his surroundings (of which there was only one) then he'd see through the lie like glass. But he's not. He hasn't been particularly perspective in a long while, Jackson thinks, and that's all the better for his plan.

"You need to come to the castle tomorrow," Jackson said, "I'll be able to hand off Harry's wand to you."

"And as for the, other occupants?"

"Taken care of," he says with practiced ease. "Hogsmeade weekend, so most will be out." In case you haven't already guessed, dear Reader, it was not, in fact, a Hogsmeade weekend.  There comes a time in every deciete thick plan where truths are needed, as well as half-truths, and straight up bullshit.

Jackson was doing a lot of the latter.

And Voldemort bought it-- hook, line, and sinker.


When Voldemort arrives, he is met by a lot of things he did not expect. Such as, an alarm going off the second he crossed the wards. He disilludes himself, watching idly as Aurors trot across the field, and thinks fiercely that he's been double-crossed. That is the only plausible explanation.

Voldemort has never taken lightly to traitors. He has no reason to start now.

He's no longer just there to steal a wand-- by the end of the evening, Jackson's blood will be split; horocrux holder or not. Harry Potter, what's left of him, is attached, too-- a win-win, really.

He tugs impatiently at the bond between him and he moves silently throughout the castle as he follows it. Not silently enough, it would seem, as he duels a few Aurors on his way up. They are defeated easily enough but the work is tiring; he is already in a weakened form, and while using magic without a wand is a capability of his, it's more tiring than with.

The bond leads him to the Potions classroom. The room is darkened and empty, at first glance. As classes are not currently occuring, this much was to be expected. He opens the door with an unnecessary amount of force and stares intently at the dove-pigeon sitting at the desk in the back of the classroom.

The bird tilts his head innocently-- look at me, it says, I did not lead you into an Auror ridden trap. Do I look like the type of person (people, bird) to do that, Sir Voldy?

Rage clouds his vision as he father's his weak magic up and prepares the killing curse. But the rage also clouds his sense-- something evident by the way he seemed to completely miss the looming figure of one Draco Malfoy in the corner.

Voldemort does notice him, however, when the stunner hits his back and he falls to the floor in a booming thud. Draco puts on foot on his chest, stepping down harshly.

Draco kneels, his wand at Voldemort's-- or at least what was left of him, that empty hull of something that's not quite human but not there enough to be a monster-- throat. He's never been a murderer. But, as Voldemort has always thought himself an exception (to death, to love, to foolishness)...

The killing curse is on the tip of his tongue.

How does it feel? thinks Draco fiercely in those borrowed seconds, To know that before you were not alive but would never die, and now your life is tangible proof of that failed expedition? That your own inability-- refusal-- of the wonder that is human connection was both your life and death? Casual betrayal has built your tower of self isolation, but cruelty is the caused fall. And trust me, Voldemort, it will fall. For Harry, the boy who's no longer a boy and no longer anything but a bird to the world, I give you a death you may not want but do deserve.

Fuck you, Tom Marvolo Riddle.

"Avada Kedavra."

The room erupts in a blast of green light.

bit shorter than usual but felt no need to drag it out.
given that this story is almost done, three more chapters aka one and a half weeks, what stories should i replace it with in my upload schedule? i plan to give Nightmares (Drarry) scheduled updates again, but still have an open spot.
input is appreciated.
word count: 717

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