chapter fourteen

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"Er-- hello, Ginny," Blaise greets. He looks at his table of friends and almost-friends for guidance but they all seem equally as confused as to why Ginny would be visiting them (excluding Luna, of course, always excluding Luna.) "What brings you?"

Her face is tear streaked, her hair disheveled... something is terribly and utterly wrong. Choosing not to use her words, or perhaps being unable to, she holds out a letter instead. It's already been opened, crumbled where Ginny held it out with trembling hands.

Draco takes it first, reading over it slowly. It's from Molly Wealsy-- "Weasly's dead," he said. "Ron," he added, for clarification.

"Look," Ginny finally said, her voice likely not sounding as strong as intended, "It's.. it's got his name written all over it. Stay away from me and my family-- I don't want anything to do with your meddling plans, okay? And the rest of you will leave it to the professionals if you know what's good for you."

"I think," Luna spoke up, "your cowardice is showing through. As far as anyone is concerned, we are the professionals."

"You," Ginny sneers, "didn't lose two brothers. I want him dead. But I'm no longer willing to risk my family to do it."

"Losing two brothers is the exact reason--" Blaise started, but Luna put a hand on his arm.

"She won't listen," said Luna with conviction. Luna proved correct in her assumption (as always, as always.)

Later Harry would learn of the events that transpired. He's... devasted, to say the least. All three members of the Golden Trio (including him to a certain extent) are dead. His would've been, could've been gaurdians are dead. It's maddening and grows a hopeless feeling in his chest--

But he'll live. He'll do what he must (for the Greater Good) and he'll go forward with their plans. (There's nothing else to do.)


Harry takes a deep breath, ensuring that he's fully in control. He cannot afford to let Jackson take over; not now. "Okay," he said, "Everything should be in order, right?"

"If our calculations are correct," said Pansy, "Then yes. Now get to it-- I've got a bet with Blaise about what animal you'll be. My money's on cockroach, but hummingbird was a close second--"

"Pansy," sighed Draco, "Do be quiet."

Pansy huffed but otherwise obliged.

Harry wasn't exactly sure how to turn into your animal state, but the plans and preparation were in place. He just stands there for a moment with his eyes closed while everyone awkwardly watched him-- he's concentrating on his physical form and morphing into an animal, but it's rather hard to visualize when he doesn't know what animal he's to be.

He sighs, opening his eyes and being ready to say that it just can't be done. He stops in his tracks, however, when he notices everyone staring at him with awe. And that they're much taller than usual-- he looks down at himself and seeing, against all odds, that he's done it; he's a fully fledged Animagus.

"I'm not sure what kind of bird you are," says Blaise. He bends down to inspect him. "It's an odd mix of feathers-- like both a--"

"Pigeon and a dove," Luna finishes. "Somewhat like I predicted."

He's not a rather large bird, able to fit in the palm of one's hand. His feathers are speckled white and black, almost at random intervals. It's an odd look, but a beautiful one.

The joy of his successful transformation is only duplicated by Jackson's anger, which nudges at his mind, threatening to become overwhelming. He's livid-- it's simply refreshing.

Harry wills himself to turn back-- successfully-- and takes a moment to get used to being human again. "Okay," he said, "Well, that went well."

Luna smiled dreamily. "Mhm. Now all that's left is to set up the preparations for it to become permanent."

"Who's wand will we be using?" asked Blaise.

"Why's it matter?" asks Harry.

"The spell we're to put you under can only be broken if the same wand that casts it," he explained, "It's best to snap the wand we use."

"I think--"

"I," interrupts Draco, "think we shouldn't discuss this in front of Harry. In front of Jackson, you know."

Harry reluctantly agrees. After a hug (and perhaps a kiss) from Draco, he's sent on his way. He guesses that tomorrow... he'll be a bird, forever (for the Great Good.)

Luna, Pansy, Blaise, and Draco all settle around a table for a meeting. There's still a few things to discuss and, although Draco is unhappy being seperated for Harry, he simply can't be in attendance for such things.

"We should use Harry's wand," says Draco. "Steal it, disguise it with a glamour. He won't be needing it anyway."

"I suppose that rings true," said Pansy, "Oh, this is just so exciting! Do you suppose this is how the Golden Trio felt with all their little adventures? Before they, like, died or whatever."

"We have got to work on you empathy, Pans," sighed Blaise.

"It's called being a Slytherin--"

"Don't stereotype us--"

"Shush," said Luna and, because she's Luna, they shushed.

"We've gotta figure out what we're to do about Voldemort," Draco said. "It's obvious he's dangerous, even at the weakness he is now, but he's no match for anyone else at their full power. How do you reckon we locate him?"

"You needn't look for what's searching," Luna said cryptically.

"...Yeah, okay, anyway--" says Pansy, eyeing Luna oddly, "I suspect we could create, like, an advanced tracking spell. There's a little sliver of Voldy in our multi-souled freak, so we could use that to trace where other bits of soul matching that signature are at."

"It'd take some time, but I could manage it," Blaise agreed.

Everything seemed to be in order. Right then, things were far from fine, but they were as close as they could get considering the current situation. Things were looking up, in their odd little way.

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