chapter eight

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The book feels heavy but calming in Jackson's hands. He taps a finger againist it in a soothing tune as he walks, letting himself be called by the charming but simple rythem. It is almost midnight now, and as he trudges further into the Forbidden Forest, he knows it is the perfect night for a resurrection.

It will take some time after he is risen for him to be at full strength again, but Jackson is assured they have all the time in the world to get this right. There will be no room for error this time. They cannot afford to slip up.

Jackson can feel Harry poking at him, trying to nudge him out of his control, trying to stop him; but it is of no use. Stopping him from killing Draco earlier took a lot out of him, Jackson knows. Although Harry is twice the soul he is, he is new to this body and is still weaker than Jackson.

Jackson knows only one thing can go wrong at this point, only one small hurdle than needs to be crossed for everything to run smoothly. Voldemort's soul needs to be spilt, again, and if it cannot handle the split, then the entire ritual is forsaken. He needs to keep stable throughout everything, and everything else will be a breeze.

Jackson stops walking as he enters a small clearing. It will do, he amends, and sets about following the ritual described in the book.

The book of faded yellow, placed in Hogwarts as a backup, contains two things, all written in parseltongue. The first, a story of five siblings.

The second, the ritual's instructions.

Jackson turned around, ensuring that the knocked out girl in the large bag that he was dragging behind him was still there. She is. Jackson empties the bag, spilling the girl out into the clearing. She is a third year Hufflepuff, selected for this by chance.

He opens the book to the back two pages; it is time to start the ritual.

He firsts casts bonding charms on the girl, then transfigures a leaf into a dagger. He cuts into her stomach, gutting her life a fish. Her eyes snap open, the pain awakening her, and she tries to struggle and cry out, but her wand is no where to be seen and the bonds are too strong. He organs are spilling out of her into the clearing; the heat of it all compared to the chilling nighttime air making a small air of steam surrounded them.

He casts a stasis charm on her, ensuring she will be alive just a bit longer. He coats his hand in her blood and begins drawing a circle of runes around her body with it, copying them from the book.

He licks his hand clean once he is done.

He takes the book, already having memorized the spell, and sticks it deep into the girls internal organs. He backs away from her now, admiring his work, standing outside the rune circle.

He mutters: "Avada Kedavra," and kills the girl. Voldemort channels what little magic he had into the kill, then takes the opportunity to split his soul, again, and places the second half inside the yellow book.

Jack takes a second to pause, to wait and see if Voldemort's soul will collapse from the large out of instability it is under. It does not. Jackson continues on with the ritual, a large grin on his face.

"Cum puer sanguinem et mortem, quae statim producat reversus est mea, sed anima ex malo vere devine,*" he whispers, pointing his wand at the body. The runes pulse, the book rising three feet into the air, before the girl's body destroys itself with a large pop!

There is blood sprayed everywhere.

Once it settles, the girl's body and the book are nowhere to be seen. In their place is a hunched over figure, weak but there. He features, though human, are slightly deformed. Jackson transfigures some rocks into robes, holding them gently while the figure tries to compose himself.

His breathing is deep, uneven, but he is breathing. It has been so long since he's breathed. He cherishes, savours every breath.

He eventually stands up, his legs shaky, and turns to Jackson. He hands hin the cloak wordlessly, and he drapes it accross his body.

"Find a place to stay," Jackson says. "Contact me when you sleep, Tom. I assume we sti have that connection, if you would let us."

Voldemort gives a shaky nod and begins limping through the Forbidden Forest. There is an aura of dark magic pulsing around him, however weak it is, and he will be left alone, avoided by the creatures in the forest for the night.

Jackson turns his attention to the mess the clearing has become, casting a quick scourgify. There is a smile on his face, flr he knows it is only a matter of time
before Tom is back to full strength and things will be back to the way things were.

He simply cannot wait.

Jackson covers himself with a heavy disillusionment charm, and with one last glance toward the forest, begins the journey back to the castle. His work is not get done for the night. He still just sneak into the Hufflepuff dorms and plant a note saying the girl he killed had simply ran away. It will be believed, as there is no evidence suggesting otherwise.

Then he will let the body rest. He hopes he will have enough energy to stay in control for tomorrow, but cannot help but doubt it. Harry will likely someone know about Voldemort's return, but he will cross the bridge when he comes to it.

Harry does not say much that night when everyone in summoned in the dream land. He looks at Voldemort, saying one sentence filled with cold malice:

"How pathetic it is that, even at your future best, I will still be over a hundred times the man you are, the soul you are?"

Voldemort has no answer.

Jackson does not let Harry damper his mood; for his love has his own physical form again and all is well.

Voldemort has returned, and all is well.

*With young blood and death, bring back what once was mine, the soul of the evil yet truly devine.
word count: 1006

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