chapter six

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Harry closes his eyes one moment, in the world of the dead, and opens them in another, in the world of the living. He notices, though, that he does not have control over his body. He notes this fact with an unsatisfied frown. His body is his own body, but his words are not his own; his mouth moves on someone else's accord and his feet move with a swiftness he does not force in them.

Harry can feel a second presence, familiar in nature, controlling his body (their body?), and at the very edge of his mind, a third, equally as familiar presence. The one controlling the body is only half a soul, he realizes, and the one in the back is even smaller.

He is, undeniably, the largest soul in his body, which is a sentence Harry had never thought to think before.

He focouses on his surroundings, trying to make sense of things. He is in charms, isn't he? And sitting beside Draco Malfoy. his heart warms at the sight of him, but Harry forces his mind not to wander.

He tried to get a sense of who's exactly sharing his cramped ass mind, but it takes him a while to completely recognize the first soul, the one in control.

Jackson Smith.

Of course, that made sense, as Harry had been watching the entire event since the beginning, but it was still a sticker to have in confirmed. Voldemort was the second sliver, he realized as well. Hs was overcome with how fragile the soul seemed, even in the confides of his head.

Harry, now knowing his companions, started to connect the dots; Life's deal with Hope had worked....

... But not exactly as anticipated, apperantly.

Harry moved away from this depressing piece of information, being glad he was back in his body at all, glad he was alive at all. He would work with the situation handed to him, because it was one of the only things he was good at; going with the flow.

He tried to move him arm, but it seemed not to respond to his will, only Jackson's. After a few hours of trying and failing, Harry was left feeling incredibly dejected. This was, Harry decided, very frustrating.

Harry was able to make progress, though it took a few more hours of non-stop pressure, and made Jackson stutter on his words. Harry internally cheered, right before Jackson's soul pushed him back, taking complete control once again.

Harry notices, though, that this newfoujd control has potential to grow.

Harry wonders if all his continued existance would be like this, silent exchanges between soul slivers trapped together, constantly fighting for control. He is proven poorly mistaken when Jackson lets the body rest, falling into a deep slumber.

Harry looks around, jolted out of the body and into what seems to be a dream. He is not alone, it would seem, because Jackson and Voldemort are sitting at a coffee table which had so magically appeared.

Harry notes, with no small amount of pride, that his soul looks the healthiest.

Harry sits at the table with them, waiting expectedly for someone to say something.

Jackson sneers at him. "So you're the thorn in my side that's been pestering me all day, yes?"

Harry nods, though his confirmation was not needed.

Jackson sighed, "I do not know how this happened!" he hissed. "This is beyond frustrating."

Voldemort croaks something out, supposedly a sound of agreement, and Harry cannot help but feel sorry for him; his soul is so, so fragile. He is so weak now, and Harry wonders how he is even still here.

"Well, get used to it," Harry snaps, "Because I'm here to stay, and I plan to gain control of this vessel, thank you very much."

Jackson opens his mouth to shoot back a reply, but his attention to Voldemort, who is shaking like a leaf. "Tom?" he asks gently, "Do you need a grounding?"

Voldemort nods his head. Jackson snaps his fingers, and Harry's eyes widened as the scenery around them changes. The small table in the middle of nowhere is no longer in the middle of nowhere; but in the middle of an office.

Jackson, a somewhat younger version of him than Harry ssw sitting beside him, sat at the large desk in the middle of it. He is worried, stress lines framing his face.

A memory, Harry realizes. We are watching a memory.

The door to the office opens and a young but still adult Voldemort walks in. He is roughed up, only a tad, and carrying two bottles of firewiskey. Joy is flooding his features.

Harry looks back at Jackson, who is looking significantly less stressed than before. He moves out of his seat, walking to embrace his friend.

Harry finds it very weird, Voldemort having friends, but the clear crush Jackson has on him is even weirder.

"The raid was successful," Tom Riddle said, seperating from the hug. He holds up the firewiskey. "It is time to celebrate!"

Jackson smiled, taking a bottle, walking with Tom as they exited the office. The memory fades away, and again he staring off into pure nothingness.

He looks back at the people he shares this body with. Jackson is rubbing a comforting hand down Voldemort's back, who has stopped shaking and seemed to have composed himself more.

Harry is shocked by Voldemort's display of weakness, of this somewhat human side of the man who killed his parents. Any sympathy that may have been forming was quicky wiped away when Voldemort met his eyes, his face pulling into a snarl.

If he had the energy to insult him, Harry knew, then he definitely would have.

Harry sighed, content to wait out the rest of the night in utter silence, wanting to go back to trying to control his body again. It was a long, long night.

Harry did not know if he could get used to this, but would have to try nonetheless.

you may be thinking: this isn't how horocruxes work!! you don't see them when you dream!! and yes, in any other circumstances you would be correct (harry and Voldemort's previous horocrux relations are similar to how Jackson and Voldy were before Harry arrived; they didn't meet in their dreamland) but this is NOT a usual circumstance. Because Hope has put Harry's entire soul into an already jam packed body, it throws the whole thing out of wack.
ask any questions if you need further clarification.
word count: 1001

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