chapter twelve

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Harry's never really liked Blaise before. He hadn't much reason to— he'd known him as part of Malfoy's possé for years now. Of course, after the war, when it got out that Draco and a bunch of other presumed Dark Slytherins went against Voldemort in the end, Blaise included, Harry held a higher respect for all of them.

With the Sweep (he'd taken to calling it that, that small part of his life when everything was blank except Draco, because it sounded much more fitting and creative than The Incident), Blaise had given a new wave of kindness out to Harry. Which was appreciated but not fully what Harry had considered trustworthy behavior.

Nowadays, Blaise Zabini was just another person he made to avoid when Jackson was the one largely in control. He'd been preaching both Voldemort's return and the fact Harry is not exactly Harry and Jackson was hugely not happy about it. Jackson had many little tells to show he wanted to kill someone (subtle, subtle things that only people sharing the body could really notice), so when Harry was in partial control with Jackson, Harry had to subtly drag him away from the empty classroom Jackson wanted to drag Blaise to.

So no, Harry had never had a fondness for Zabini. But this did not lessen his intrigue in Blaise's plan to trap Voldemort (or at least, one half of the Voldemort that currently exists) and Jackson in the body of an animal, making him a much smaller burden.

Harry was instantly on board with Blaise's Animaguses plan— it played to his hero complex as well as his promise to Draco— he wouldn't be dying, after all. Blaise handed him some books, some good vibes, said "Good luck," and left him be.

Even though their connection during the day was limited (read: non-existent), Harry could tell one thing: Jackson was not happy.

With that joyful thought in mind, he began looking into the nessacary steps and procedure, Jackson fighting him all the while.


Pansy has always had problem being empathetic, which is a common Slytherin problem, but it is while doing excessive (and in vain) research that she allows herself to mourn the iconic Mudblood prodigy that was Hermione Granger. She was a loss to the operation; if she was here, then Pansy is certain that they would have at least something by now.

So far, all Blaise and Pansy have seen is half baked theories on the art of Animagus and Transfiguration in general— but nothing promising. (Half of them looked to be written by ages five and under.)

Pansy groans in frustration and lounges herself across the table. "Bollocks," she mutters. "Complete and utter bollocks. God, it's always fucking Voldemort. Every year, without fail. Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort. Can we PLEASE get a different villian? I'm OVER IT."

Blaise hums lightly. "It is rather exhausting," he flips the page, "But if our efforts prove worthwhile, the bitch will be dead for good."

"They said that LAST time," Pansy groans, but Blaise ignores her.

"If you want a story that has nothing to do with Voldemort, then check out Warm But Tainted Blood, by I-Wrote-Harry-Potter. It's a very slow burn Drarry story, with a long overarching plot. Voldemort died and stayed dead-- he's hardly a factor. Every detail matters, and I mean that as no exaggeration. Updates are every Wednesday and it's a very good read, though I may be a bit biased about that," Blaise says while looking at you.

"No offense but what the fuck are you talking about?"

Blaise blinks, looking surprised at even himself. "I have no idea."

Pansy sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I think I'm gunna send a letter."

"You do that," Blaise says absently, still trying to figure out where that little spazz of his came from.


Draco loves Harry (love, such a wonderful feeling, one he'll never regret... even if the consequences prove disasterious), but sometimes he wishes it was not so blinding. He also wishes that Harry demonstrated less of his stupid Gryffindor like tendancies less. He wishes for a lot of things, but time and time again his hopes are cut short.

That is, perhaps, why he finds himself conversing with Harry Potter and reluctantly agreeing with Blaise's half baked, half assed plan.

"What animal do you think I'm gunna be?" he asks, as a last question before he goes. Their fickle time together, although enjoyable, proved fickle. They'd only been together ten or so minutes and he was off to be off again shortly. Fickle, ever so fickleness.

He pauses, part of him wanting to repeat Looney's prediction (a pigeon or dove, she said)... but he thinks better of it (she will never be believed) and instead says, "A lion. Perhaps a bee."

"A bee?" Harry repeats bemused.

"It's just," he gestured vaguely to Harry, "your vibes. They're bee vibes."

Harry laughs (a lovely sound to Draco's ears, musical and whimsical, oh so simply enchanting) and gives Draco a small peck on the cheek. "I've gotta be off, dear. Stay hot."

"I plan to."


Dear Ronald,

It's your lovely pal-non-pal, Pansy Parkinson. I'm sure you've heard about all the confundle at school (oh how could you not have?) about Potter not being Potter and Voldemort returning (he's so much like Potter in that regard; the boy who won't ever fucking  die 2.0) and a little birdie told me you also have your suspicions regarding him?

I'm almost (almost) impressed with your ability to tell it wasn't Harry through only letters— it'd be rather astounding if he wasn't so obvious. He's almost a bigger moron that you, and that's saying something.

Anyway, on a completely seperate and unrelated note, you were what one would describe as rather close with Granger, yes? She was such a smart lass. I was wondering, since you have been gifted most of her wizardly earthly pocessions, if you could look through the research she has undoubtedly done. Anything on Animaguses would be lovely. Something sticking, if you catch my drift.

Have fun mourning,

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