Time's Up

562 31 21

Hey everyone! This is the beginning of the plot for the new storyline. Thanks for sticking around!

"My Lettie" came Severus' voice from the doorway, the sunlight streaming through their stained glass kitchen windows

She grinned, turning to face him, instinctively wrapping her arms around him, breathing in the scent of herbs and flora. She never tired of that smell, it greeted her at the beginning and end of each day for the last ten years. It gave her a sense of stability and comfort. She relaxed into his softened body, resting against his chest.

He turned her chin up to him, kissing her lips gently and purposefully. The scent of dinner wafted up to her nose, reminding her that they couldn't get carried away at the current moment.

"Daddy!! You came back!" shouted four year old Orla, propelling her tiny body in between the two of them, shimmying up Severus' body with ease

He grinned, lifting her up to his hip as she rested her round face against his shoulder as he teasingly reminded her

"I always come back. You know that Orla"

"It seemed extra long time today" she gripped tightly onto him with her chubby fingers, emerald green eyes content to be in his presence.

He arched his eyebrow at Leticia, the worry already passing over his face. That was something that she didn't expect when they began having children. That he continually worried if they felt safe. If they were developing on track and healthily. The need to know that the children were secure and well adjusted almost an obsession to make up for what he lacked.

"She misses Cedar and Asher. She's not used to them being at junior school all day yet" Leticia told him, assuring him that their youngest was indeed fine and not suffering from an emotional breakdown

"I have to be home alone all day with just mommy. I couldn't see my friends either because they're sick" Orla complained, lacking all of the social graces so typical in four year olds

"I would love to be home alone all day with just mommy" Severus told Orla with a smile, winking at her over the top of the mess of black curls.

That would be nice. A day alone with him...It had been six months since her parents took the kids for a weekend. It's possible they were still recovering.

"Will you make potions with me daddy?" Orla asked hopefully, bottom lip out, not that it was necessary, Severus never turned down an opportunity to spend time with the children

At four, she was more than old enough to walk but both Severus and their eldest son Sev preferred to carry her from place to place. It was an honor bestowed to the youngest child and one that she reveled in.

Leticia put on her shoes, ready to walk down into town to pick up the others from junior magic school. The school that she founded when they moved to Bon-Vie. World renowned teachers ready for a break from the real world, moving into their reclusive society. The crowning jewel of her career. One of the things she was most proud of, besides her marriage and children.

Leticia waved at the neighbors, the short quarter mile walk delightful in the early spring air. The joyous shrieks and yells from the schoolyard greeted her ears before the school came into view. The courtyard crowned below the hill, her children easily noticeable.

Seven year olds Cedar and Asher tore across the yard, chasing a hoard of other children in a game of tag, Cedar's ponytail a haphazard mess after a day of play.

Ten year old Sev zoomed around the opposite side of the yard on a broom with a group of other boys playing Quidditch. He loved the game more than he loved food. Completely obsessed with everything to do with the sport. Memorizing players stats, numbers, signature moves, and strategy. She laughed at the memory of him barrel rolling through the backyard on her old broom for the first time as Severus bit his nails in abject horror at the thought of their only child flying through the air.

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