Wands and Admissions

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"Mum! You said we would go to Hogwarts first thing! You told the Headmistress!" Sev complained the next morning when they told him the first stop would be Ollivanders wand shop

Leticia took a deep breath at the hopping excitement and annoyance, wanting to start the day on the right foot. Severus made a good point the night before that Sev should have a wand before going to the school. Just in case.

She shuddered at the thought but appreciated the foresight.

"Your mother sent an owl already. Plus, you will want to have a wand because all the other students have theirs. You can practice your spells with the others if you happen to make friends" Severus cut in, glazing over the darkness

Sev stopped for a second and then nodded on acceptance

Severus drank the Polyjuice Potion and transformed into a brown haired nobody. He didn't want to miss out on the wand hunt, his eyes glistened proudly. Together they apparated to Diagon Alley, the hustle and bustle immediately surrounding them.

Sev stared in wide eyed wonder at the shops and vendors, subconsciously standing closer to Severus' side. Their small town seemed minuscule and slow in comparison. Ollivanders came into view and with no ceremony, they stepped inside the dark and whimsical shop.

She took a hold of Severus' hand and squeezed tightly

"Just hold onto me"

"Hello! Who happens to come in today? Oh! Hello Miss Leticia! What a nice surprise!" Ollivander warbled as he gave her a hug and took in Sev and Severus with a curious expression.

"Hm. Interesting. You look just like your father my dear boy. But I suppose you hear that a lot" the elder man spoke with a knowing wink

"Yes sir" Sev nearly whispered, overwhelmed with the mystery

"I never expected to see you back here Leticia. Life brings around a lot of surprises" Ollivander mentioned, nodding in Severus' direction almost as if he knew the ruse

"We would appreciate your discretion Mr. Ollivander. Our lives are very low profile for a reason" Leticia cautioned him gently, to which he nodded, locked the door, and shut the windows.

"Of course. Your fathers' wand was that of Hawthorne wood and Phoenix feather. Your mother, Poplar and unicorn hair. Quite the opposite of wands...I hesitate to give Hawthorne as a first try but..." Ollivander searched for a wand in the wall, easily recognizing Severus as the father but not speaking it aloud.

Sev stared wide eyed as Ollivander placed a medium length dark wood wand in his hand

"Hawthorne wood, dragon heartstring, eleven inches long. Give it a wave"

Sev took a deep breath, no novice when it came to wand work. No light emitted.

"Interesting. Let's try poplar with....Phoenix" Ollivander summoned another wand after staring at Sev

She and Severus watched in anticipation as he waved the wand but nothing happened. Disappointment shined on Sev's face but Ollivander was quick to bring over several boxes. Ten wands in and still no dice.

"Well don't be upset my dear boy. We will just move on to the more custom wands. What do you enjoy? Charms? Reading?" Ollivander asked, his intrigue piqued at the mission

"I like quidditch. And I like flying" Sev smiled, face lighting up

Ollivander paused, thinking a moment. He brought back two boxes, handing one to Sev with great curiosity.

Sev performed a small wave and a crash of light surrounded them, a gust of wind. He grinned ear to ear at the display.

"Fantastic! Dogwood with unicorn heart string, twelve inches long. A bit of a cheeky wand, a loyal and pure core. Not a common wood, the owner must possess a great sense of humor and charm. Suitable for enchantment work but not any non-verbal spells. A bit of a showy wand but that is not to say it is conceited. Sound about right?" Ollivander smiled, enjoying the success.

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