Spinners End

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"Lettie..." Severus moaned out her name as she bit his shoulder, teasing him with her tongue on the sensitive side of his neck

She captured his lips with hers, insistent and rough, demanding to dive into pleasure and forget the world. Severus' strong fingers gripped her hips, pressing her down onto him but not actually entering, the momentum building up her orgasm before he abruptly stopped and flipped her over on their bed.

"You know what happens when you tease me..." he arched his eyebrow devilishly, his body filled and softened with age although still lanky, he was healthy

She grinned at the sight of him kneeling over her, naked and unashamed, driven by desire and love just as they were at the beginning of their marriage perhaps even more so now.

"I think I forgot" she teased back, reaching down to stroke his length and press him to her warmth before continuing silkily

"Why don't you remind me..."

He growled, kissing her chest fervently, but taking his time stroking her raised nipples with his tongue, every few seconds choosing to press a finger into her clitoris, timing out each act so that she reached the edge but fell back every time. It was one of their favorite games to play, the ending orgasm proved earth shattering each time.

He moved down to her stomach, reacquainting his hands with the time stretched skin and marks, tenderly kissing each spot, moving down to her thighs where he sucked and nibbled at her skin as if it were a delicacy that he wanted to savor. Her entire body ached, delighted groans turning his body rock hard

"Perhaps you've learned your lesson" he murmured, his thumb gently massaging the top of her insides, wicked smirk lighting up his face

"Oh I don't think I have...I think I need an oral warning" she giggled, wrapping her fingers up in his long black hair as he began to flick and languidly taste her, tongue alternating in expert softness and strength, allowing her to tumble over the edge in sheer bliss as she convulsed around his tongue

"You're mine..." he mused happily, laughing as he kissed her while quickly slipping inside her body, pulling her close as they began to move together in a well worn dance that brought the best results.

He gripped her shoulders, pulling her body toward him as he thrust roughly into her.

"Harder!" she gasped out as the sounds of their skin moving together colored the quiet night

He helped her lift her leg over his shoulder, the different angle hitting just the right spot for them both as they climaxed around each other. Severus gently lay her leg down, holding her tightly against his body, kissing her cheek sweetly as they caught their breath.

"I love you" she whispered into his ear, tracing circles on his sweaty back

"I love you too" he murmured, the soft vulnerability that he reserved only for her settled her nerves

"Are you nervous about this weekend?" she asked a few minutes later, kissing his knuckles reassuringly

He sighed, rolling onto his back and squeezing his nose

"Yes. I've never wanted to go back there. I hoped we could shield our children from that whole world...But I know that was denial"

She straddled his body, looking down at him determinedly

"Our kids will always love you. You've given them no reason not to. No one likes when they have to come to terms with the fact that their parents are people too"

"I am more 'people' than most" he lamented, sitting up to cradle her against him in the warmth and safety of their bedroom

"We will get through this. Always together" she promised, kissing his familiar lips

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