Third Year Theories

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"Watch your back Sev!" Finn shouted as he beat back a bludger about to smash his arm

"Thanks!" Sev yelled back as he flew with the scarlet Quaffle under his arm, the wind flying through his hair in unfettered glory

He dipped down low, attempting to confuse the Hufflepuff Keeper, flipping up and instinctively tossing the Quaffle right through the hoop over the Keeper's left shoulder.

The Gryffindor house team was tied 90-90 that chilly December day a week before winter break. They practiced every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before classes and most of the day on Sunday. They were dedicated to the game and each other. And he loved every minute of it.

The crowd's cheers roared in his ears as he swooped around the oncoming team, ready to catch another Quaffle.

Sev watched as his friend Emily protected their teammate and Seeker, Ruby, from below against bludgers as Ruby zipped high above the crowd and then barrel rolled straight towards the ground, arm outstretched as she pulled up at the last second.

Gryffindor won the game!

They landed on the ground, huddled up with high fives and back slaps. Emily punched his shoulder, purple hair wrapped up tight in braided buns. They met on his first day three years prior, paired up in defense class. She was wicked with a wand, her brain outmatching his any day. Truth be told, he wouldn't be passing most of his classes if it weren't for her tutoring and stern chiding.

"You did a good job protecting Ruby. How's your leg?" he asked as they began walking back towards the castle, Emily limping

"I'll be okay, I'll put some bruise away potion on it and take a rest. Are you excited about winter break?" she asked laughing as he picked her up and slung her onto his back

"I think so. I'll probably help my dad in his shop" he shrugged, saying hello to several classmates along the way

"Same old huh?" she tightened her grip on him as they climbed the stairs

"As long as they don't get on me about my grades, we will be fine" he shrugged again, as was his perfunctory mannerism

"Poor you, having genius parents who care about your well being" she faux empathized, sitting down beside him in the Great Hall

"I'm the odd one out though. My siblings are younger but they're all smarter than me. Asher and Cedar will be coming here in the fall and I fully expect they'll take over the world soon" he joked as he peeled a banana, waving back at Audrey and Corinne as they passed, bright eyed and smiling

"You're the odd duck in a family of academics. That's because you're popular. People don't care about much if you're good looking" Emily informed him, eyes rolling

"I'm good looking?" he raised his eyebrow, fighting the urge to laugh

"Yes. Lots of girls ask me about you. They think you're cute. And you're really friendly. Of course you're popular. You didn't know? Or you're just pretending to be humble?" she never failed to call him out, and as much as she treasured him, she could easily cut him down to size

"That is just how my life has always been" he took a swig of pumpkin juice, the idea of any girl finding him attractive ridiculous, greeting Ruby and Finn as they sat down opposite them

"Blessed and easy?" Emily teased, shaking out her hair buns into long waves

"What are we talking about?" Ruby asked curiously, mud still caked under her fingernails.

"About how Sev is grossly popular and good looking" Emily teased, the other two instantly nodding

"You didn't know that? Everyone loves you" Ruby said plainly, loading up her plate with toasted cheese and soup

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