A Little Space

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Here is a little shortie transition chapter. I am working on new stuff for all my Severus loves! Thanks for sticking around and liking and commenting ❤️❤️


"He hasn't spoken to me in three days Lettie" Severus paced back and forth across their bedroom, worry tight in his voice

"It was a lot to take in, I would be worried if he didn't take time to process it" she assured him, slipping her dress on over her head, shaking out her curls

"He looked at me like I was a monster" he straightened the sleeves of his black turtleneck, wringing his hands

"You showed him awful things...He saw a side of you he never even imagined could exist. Give him time my love" she wrapped him in her arms, willing him to lose his rigidity

"I don't want to lose my son" he admitted, voice thick and crackled

He had a reason to hate his own father and now he supposed that his son did too.

"He will always come home. Even if he needs a little space to live and become his own person for a while" she spoke sagely, as if she had specific knowledge of this

"How do you know?" he questioned, his heart beating hard and fast

"I needed time away too...I came back. We can't force him to accept our choices. We knew that was a possibility when we told him" she rested against his chest, taking in his mint and herb scent.

"He hasn't come out of his room since. He only lets the children in. I don't like this..." Severus went on, sounding more fearful than he ever had during the war

"We have to roll with this. He has to accept it on his own. We don't own the rights to him" she tried to explain, knowing even if it broke her heart in two that Sev had to make his own choice

Severus was silent, but nodded. He didn't like the feeling of being out of control. Of having things he couldn't choose the outcome. He knew how much he hated his own father. The anger boiling in his gut still to this day. And his father had never murdered anyone. Physically at least.

They made their way down to the dining room where all four of their children sat, eating cereal and waking up to the world. None of them would be considered morning people.

Severus smiled at them, but quickly faltered when he saw a trunk by the door. Leticia saw it at the same time but before she could ask a question, Sev spoke up nervously

"I'm going to spend the rest of my break with Finn. I need some space to think about what dad told me and I can't do that here"

"Asher, Cedar, Orla, finish your breakfast in the other room please" Leticia told them, the three of them silently sensing danger and immediately filing out of the room

Severus' heart broke in a way he didn't know was possible. Looking into his mirror image, he saw all the pain and betrayal that he never wished to bestow upon anyone else again.

"I'm sorry" Severus whispered, stricken

"I stood up for you dad. I told people that they were wrong about you. With what they said. That you were some sort of monster...But they were right" Sev spoke low, the anger evident in his voice

"Severus Simon Snape! That is uncalled for" Leticia gasped, her heart fluttering at the proclamation from their son

"It is not mum! You were there too! And I don't believe that you didn't know. You are the same as dad when it comes to people. How could you choose to marry dad when you knew all the awful things he did unless you are also willing to do awful things" Sev questioned her, his retaliation swift and biting

"Lettie, he's not wrong. Lean into it, that's what you said. Sev...I am sorry for what I've done and I would change it if I could. I'm sorry for what you have to live through. I understand if you need your space...We will always be here for you" Severus' quiet voice belied the emotion beneath it, he was barely holding it together

"I'm going to stay at Finn's house and catch the train back with him. I'll write you when I get back to school" he informed them, his trunk already beside their fireplace

"I would like an owl when you get settled at Finn's too. We love you..." Leticia pulled herself together, offering Sev a hug which he declined with a subtle shake of his head

Sev turned and grabbed a handful of ash, bright green enveloping his body and trunk. And he was gone.

Leticia lost her decorum and the sobs wracked her body as she latched onto Severus, who she knew was broken in two. He clenched her tightly, his body shaking with either rage or sadness. Probably both.

"I've driven my son away..." he lamented, voice thick with tears

"He's not gone forever. He just needs a little space. I assume he's going to start digging around about us. It would be good to give a heads up to some of the people he might run into" she mused out loud, cunning and intelligence taking hold

"How very Slytherin of you" he replied slyly, not daring to move from her embrace while wiping the rarely fallen tears off his cheek

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