Platform 9 3/4

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August 1999

A year after the war. The world was rebuilding, the chaos still fresh. Everything upside down and broken. But inside their home, nestled deep in the Alps, all was liminal and light.

"Would you like to hold him?" Lettie asked Severus, holding up their newborn son

Severus brushed back her hair, still sweaty from laboring. Their son lay sleeping in her arms, head full of dark black hair and perfect pink lips.

"I don't want to keep him from you" he answered cautiously, eyeing the baby as if he were a bomb

"You're afraid. And you don't have to be. He's your son. He's going to love you. I know you already love him. You read so many books" she smiled, holding out the blanketed bundle with determination

He leaned in, carefully holding Sev, a flood of emotions running down his face

"I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to teach him more than I knew. I won't ruin this" he whispered to the sleeping baby, making eye contact with her, fierce protection radiating from his tourmaline eyes

She smiled, resting against her pillow

"You already are. We're going to be just fine"

The Hogwarts Express loomed large and bustling. Lettie held onto Severus' arm tightly, fingers interlaced with his as they walked through the crowd. Her heart beating just as quickly as if she were the one to board the train; the first time she rode it surfacing from deep within her mind.

Sev walked beside her, eyes straight ahead as the throngs of people parted around them. His usual slouchy demeanor stood rigid giving away his nervousness. Her heart ached at the realization that the top of his head was at her chin. When he came home for Christmas holiday, he would be the same height as her for certain.

Ophelia, the regal black owl that they bought together squawked and tried to stretch her wings wide. She and Sev trained together on his broom in their new backyard all summer; swooping, toss and return, and speed flying.

Severus held his shoulders back, ignoring the curious stares of the onlookers. He wanted to go under poly juice potion, but Sev talked him out of it. He swore up and down that he didn't care what anyone thought and that everyone might as well know. Their boy was brave and foolish.

She stood silent for a few moments, holding back the urge to smother her oldest child and drag him back home. Severus held his clenched fists deep inside his cloak but she could tell by his tightened jaw.

"Tell the twins that they can stay in my bed if they want. They like my window better for star watching" Sev turned, shuffling his feet nervously as the Express elf began to load his items onto the train

"Im certain they'll enjoy that. I'm really proud of you dear. Would you like a hug? Or..." Leticia asked, trying to keep a neutral face as she felt the familiar burn of emotion at the back of her throat

Sev smiled and wrapped his lanky arms around her waist. Her charming little boy. He had no idea what the world had in store for him but she could only hope that they had prepared him well for it. That maybe the world was different now than when she was young.

Before he could pull away, she kissed the top of his head. He could bemoan his overbearing mother with his new friends if anyone gave him grief. 

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