Cedar & the Weasleys

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Cedar ran the wide toothed comb through her mane of hazy black ringlets, scrunching the excess water out of it with an old t-shirt. She scooped up a dollop of the curl cream that her father had invented just for her in a desperate attempt to tame her wild hair when she was ten years old; inhaling deeply the scent of honeysuckle and lilac. It was a very feminine smell, reminding her more so of her childhood in the mountains than her teenage years in the stony walls of Hogwarts.

She didn't have anything against femininity, she very deeply enjoyed being a young woman, but she preferred people to be a little bit afraid of her. She wanted those who encountered her to feel slightly caught off guard. Only those who were brave enough to cross her icy exterior got to be included in her love for jokes and schemes.

Focusing all of her energy on her fingertips, she thought of a simple heating spell, determined to master wand less magic. She still couldn't beat her mother at a wandless duel, but last night she managed to got a few second body lock on her arms and hands. Her mother had given her high praise and promised to make her favorite dessert tonight.

She stared into the silver scrolled mirror, her hair perfectly dry and curled. Grinning, she began to swipe some emerald green sparkly shadow across her eyelids, black mascara on her already long lashes, and a little gloss on her lips. She used to hate her stern features: sharp nose, angled jawline, high cheekbones, puffy lips, and prominent widows peak. People knew she was her father's daughter before they even asked her name. But now, she enjoyed it. Her father moved mountains for their family, built a business from the ground up, and they sent letters back and forth every week. She took pride in her family and all of their muddied history.

As much as her father had worried about her as a child, she liked to think that he understood her a bit more now. He had wanted her to get the more threatening aspects of her personality under control, those aspects he viewed as a step closer to the cliff of darkness that she could possibly throw herself off of. She nursed a fairly large vindictive streak, which was set off by a need to be petty and hold grudges when she had been slighted. He told her that he had "danced that dance" and that no one wins.

His worry had come across as strictness, and for a long time she couldn't see that. When she went school at eleven, she came into the full knowledge of what had happened during the wizarding wars. She came face to face with other kids who were being raised by supposed ex Death-Eaters. Being in Slytherin, a good handful of students remained blood loyal, although they were in the minority and generally kept quiet about their allegiances. Several had approached her about becoming a compatriot after they had witnessed her knack for spells and vengeance but she had turned them down. She didn't want glory, they did. She just wanted to be great at what she did and seek some justice while she was at it.

After her second year that was full of fights, detentions, and several visits between her parents and the Headmistress, she knew she had to get her shit together. Sev told her that she couldn't change people's minds about their family, and no amount of vigilante justice would change it either. In fact, she might be damaging their father's reputation even more with her wild and off the cuff temper.

Her father was her hero and she respected him enough to curb her more petty nature, choosing to funnel that energy into her Charms studies and Transfiguration work. She let the low expectations fuel her into achievement. Success out of spite. She went from a barely there student to excelling in her work, nearly reaching the same rank as Asher, who was a bookworm with a tight knit circle of friends.

He also was relieved at her turn around, he didn't like people assuming that he had the same lust for blood and vengeance as her just because they were twins. Asher was level headed like Sev, but incredibly introverted. Those that got to know him loved him. He wanted to become a magical archivist: researching magic that happened throughout the ages, traveling the world in search of ancient texts, artifacts from days past, and write papers preserving their history. He shared her love of pranks, but lacked the grit to physically pull them off. Without his research and ingenuity, several of their more well known jokes would have gone unnoticed.

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