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🎁:Do you like road trips?

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Do you like road trips?

I love them, I just like looking around at things while I'm in the car.

Lilly couldn't help but feel like a complete hypocrite because she was mad at Arvin for just leaving a note but here she was, in a car getting further and further away from Coal Creak with goodbyes written on a piece of paper, even though this felt right, it didn't. She didn't regret it but she knew later on she would start to miss everyone even more. She knew this is where she wanted to be, with him, right by his side. It was obvious that it would be hard, really really hard but she didn't mind if it meant that they would get to be together after all. Arvin was happy that she was with him, he felt like he had everything even though they really had absolutely nothing.

All they had was his car, and some money. Thankfully for the both of them it was actually a good amount of money thanks to Lilly's savings, and she took some from Preston's safe along with some jewelry to sell although she didn't tell Arvin. Of course she made sure to leave enough for Mildred and the kid. Sadly she didn't get a real last look of her home before she left, the two were understandably in a rush to get the hell out of Coal Creek. Both of them were technically involved with murder. She would've loved to have a real goodbye with everyone face to face but she understood that wasn't happening.

"Having second thoughts?" Arvin questioned breaking the silence. Not a word was said since they hit the road which was a few hours ago. Taking a deep breath in she shook her head that was leaning on the window watching the trees fly by them. "If i was it would be way to late for that. But no, of course I'm not." She answered, but Arvin was a bit worried, he could hear the clear sadness in her voice. "If you are I could always just leave you at the side of the road." He joked glancing at her while she cracked a smile. "I would rather stay in here than be out there, I hate hitchhiking, I mean I've never done it but I hear stories. Sometimes they go missing..."

"You don't even know if that's a fact." He told her with a small chuckle. "Of course I know, they're already on the road going different places with strangers, no one knows where they are. They get murdered a lot, and the girls get raped...not all the time but it's easy for it to happen." she said continuing to look out the window. "It's scary out there, well to me it is. What about you?" She questioned looking over at him for the first time in hours. "Not really..." Answered the boy with honesty. "maybe you can be less scared because I'm here. I would never let anyone hurt you."

Even though Lilly's trust in him honestly was a bit ruined she did trust him with her life, just not with her heart, not yet. When it came down to it he would protect her and even die protecting her, she couldn't confidently say that about anyone else that was in her life. "I know." She reminded with a small smile. Then it went back to complete silence which made questions pop up into his mind. He wondered if their relationship was okay since he did break up with her for the second time, he wondered if she truly didn't trust him anymore. Of course he understood why she felt that way, he fucked up, again.

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