chapter 11

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Seonghwa took yeosang down to the basement.
It was different than what yeosang imagined
It wasn't as scary
There was rope laying around
And a bed in the middle.
Before yeosang could react seonghwa flung him onto the bed
Grabbed his wrists and cuffed them together.
He pulled open the drawer beside the bed and took out a gag and a blindfold
Tied it across yeos eyes.

He moved is hands down yeosangs throat and squeezed it causing yeosang to gasp
He took this opportunity to slide the gag into yeosangs mouth.

Now yeosang was completely helpless
Neither could he see what was going on
Nor could he move
Now he couldn't even scream for help not that it was going to come anyway.

He felt the bed dip as seonghwa got off it
For the next 15 minutes yeosang used the absence of seonghwa to try to free himself from the restraints
He managed to ease out half of his wrist when he heard seonghwas footsteps
Place your hands above your head and lay still if you move you'll get punished.
Yeosang didn't want things to get worse for him so he stayed still.
Seonghwa got onto the bed
And lifted yeosangs shirt up
And pulled down his pants leaving him naked and exposed
Seonghwa was free to do whatever he wanted with yeosang.
He loved how helpless yeosang looked in front of him
He had absolute control over the boy
He was fascinated by the boys beauty

Yeosangs heart was beating out of his chest, he felt Seonghwa get on top of him straddling him
He suddenly felt something cold on his lips
He jerked his head back
" There there kitten its only ice, now open your mouth and suck"
Yeosang obeyed and sucked on the ice which was soon replaced by Seonghwas warm lips

Seonghwas hands slipped further down and the ice trailed down to yeosangs nipples causing yeosang to moan into seonghwas mouth.
Seonghwa moved down onto yeosangs neck
Leaving a trail of kisses and hickeys
Yeosang felt himself get hard
And started to grind on seonghwa

Seonghwa noticed and pushed down on yeosangs hips
" This is a punishment sweetie not so fast"
Earning a whine from yeosang
" if you listen, maybe I'll let you cum"
Seonghwa grabbed a vibrator from the night stand and gently rubbed it against yeosangs cock
Cause yeosang to moan
He bent down and took the entirety of yeosangs cock slowly sucking on it teasing yeosang whilst placing the vibrator on his cock
This went on for an hour
Seonghwa kept teasing yeosang not letting him cum

Making yeosang cry out of frustration
All the while degrading yeosang
" look at you helpless little kitten so desperate to cum"
Yeosang couldn't take it anymore
He kept yanking at his handcuffs and managed to release the rest of his wrist
He couldn't take this anymore he released his hands and pushing seonghwa off him
Mistake number 1

He got off the bed and bolted to the door
Mistake number 2

As he was about to pull it open
Seonghwa grabbed yeosang by his hair and dragged him back
And threw him onto the mattress
" You really love testing my patience dont you?, I'm going to make you regret that little stunt you just pulled
Let's hope you make it out alive after what I'm going to do to you ".

🌌 Happy new year to everyone. I hope all your dreams come true this year.
Also idk who reads this book so if you could drop a little comment that would really be appreciated. Just for me to see if people actually read it ❤🌌

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