chapter 13

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Yeosang woke up back in his room. The curtains were drawn so he couldn't tell what time it was. The door creaked open and a red haired boy peeped in.
He was tall and well built with intense eyes.

Yeosang felt intimidated and clutched onto the bedsheets.
"You're finally awake" the boy said smiling.
Suddenly yeo didn't feel as intimidated. The boy had a smile that radiated warmth it made yeosang want to smile. It was hard to believe that he was the same boy that had brought him here.
He seemed so much more softer in his fluffy sweater and big glasses. He almost seemed like a normal young boy.

Yeosang was snapped out of his train of thought as mingi approached him.
"Come down I made breakfast"
Yeosang hesitantly followed mingi downstairs as he was going down the the smell of chicken enveloped him.
When the reached the kitchen mingi handed yeosang a plate of chicken and waffles

Yeosang just started at it wondering if it was poisoned.
"What's wrong, I thought you loved  chicken" mingi said.

"How do you know that?" yeo questioned.

"Well.... you kept mumbling about chicken in your sleep.. and umm how you'd bite if someone were to eat your chicken"

Yeosang turned red. His ears felt so warm.
He wanted to dig a little hole in the ground and yeet into it.

Mingi burst out laughing. "You sure do look cute when you are blushing... I should embarrass you more often"

Yeosang glared at him.

"I'll stop eat up. You'll be helping the boss today so you'll need all the energy you can get".

With that Mingi left yeosang as he munched on chicken.

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