chapter 4

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Soobin fidgeted nervously with the buttons of his jacket whilt standing in front of yeosangs apartment waiting for him to open the door.
Just as he was about to knock on the door yeosang opened it with a sweet little smile on his face.

"Ready" soobin asked
Yeosang nodded and grabbed onto soobins hands which had become lil sweater paws and intertwined his fingers with the other
As they headed out of the apartment complex soobin could feel his ears redden as he occassionally stole glances at yeosang who was looking absolutely gorgeous in his skin tight blue Jean's and almost see through white cotton shirt, he smelt of jasmine.

Soobin was falling for yeosang by the minute
Yeosang suddenly snapped soobin out of his trance.
"So where are you taking me"
"Ummm.... somewhere special answered soobin
To which yeo pouted and stuck out his bottom lip
I hate surprises , tell me where we are going "
You'll just have to wait and find out.
Soobin helped yeosang onto his vespa and before they knew it they were headed out.

Yeo took off his helmet and let the breeze ruffle his hair and slowly leaned onto soobin taking in his warmth.

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